    Table of Contents
    1 Introduction    1
    2 Literature Review    1
    3 Main Rhetorical Devices Applied in Sports News Headlines    3
    3.1 Quotation    3
    3.1.1 Quotation of Allusion, Poetry and Idiom:    3
    3.1.2 Quotation of Interviewees’ Comments    3
    3.2 Metonymy    4
    3.3 Parody    4
    3.4 Metaphor and Simile    5
    3.5 Alliteration & End Rhyme    6
    3.6 Rhetorical Question    7
    3.6.1  Interrogative Questions:    7
    3.6.2  Rhetoric Questions:    8
    3.7 Other Rhetoric Means    9
    4 Cultural Connotations in Sport News Headlines    10
    4.1 Traditional Culture Reflected by Rhetorical Devices    10
    4.2 Mass Culture Reflected by Rhetorical Devices    11
    4.3  The Interpretation on the Connotation of Sports Culture    12
    4.3.1  The appearance of the Competitiveness of Sports    12
    4.3.2  The appearance of “Beauty” of Sports    13
    5    Development Trend    14
    5.1  Enhancement of Readability    14
    5.2  Refurbishing of Headlines    14
    5.3  Increasing Headline News    14
    6  Conclusion    15
    References    18
     An Analysis of the Application of Rhetorical Devices in Sports News Headlines.
    1    Introduction
    As ordinary people’s living standards have improved greatly and the concept of national fitness has spread widely, the demand of high quality sports news improves correspondingly. People watch sports programs and news shows through various modern media such as newspaper, radio, television, and the Internet. To stand out in the harsh competition, on one hand, all news media try to bring forth new ideas into the contents of their news. On the other hand, they also try to innovate new ideas into the forms of their news. Regardless of its contents, whether a piece of news can draw readers’ attention or not, it greatly depends on its rhetoric devices. Put it in another word, they need to use different kinds of rhetoric devices to make the sentences of their news more precise, vivid and concise. As the epitome of the whole news, the news headlines use rhetoric means more frequently to draw readers’ or viewers’ attention. However, researches on rhetoric devices used in sport news headlines are very few. It is very important to do more researches on sport headlines with theories of rhetoric, journalism and cultural linguistics and unearth cultural connotations reflected by rhetoric devices in sport news headlines.
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