    ABSTRACT Cao Xueqin and Jane Austen are famous writers of China and Britain in the 18th century. A Dream of Red Mansions and Pride and Prejudice are their typical works. A Dream of Red Mansions reflects the declining Qing dynasty and Pride and Prejudice describes the country life in the developing economic England. The two works mainly tell about family life, love and marriage problem. Also, we can know some social customs and human institutions at that time. Lin Daiyu and Elizabeth Bennet are the two heroines in the two works, and they are all more special than women at that time. The paper compares them by the methods of textual analysis and comparative analysis to find the reason why they have the same pursuit but own different fates. The writers describe them as vivid as life and express their true idea of that society through them. The paper is aimed to find what elements mainly facilitate the two heroines’ fates.
    This thesis consists of three parts: introduction, main body and conclusion.46089
    The introduction mainly introduces Jane Austen, Cao Xueqin, A Dream of Red Mansions and Pride and Prejudice.
    The second part is the main body which contains three chapters. Chapter One is the literature review. It is the summary of the previous research, which inspires me to make sure of the direction of my paper. Chapter Two does research on the similarities of social environment, women awareness and attitudes towards love between Lin Daiyu and Elizabeth Bennet. Chapter Three does research on the differences of social background, family background and personalities between Lin Daiyu and Elizabeth Bennet.
    The third part is the conclusion of the whole paper. The conclusion is based on objective analysis. It mainly concludes the paper and help us better know the work and the heroines.
    Keywords: Lin Daiyu; Jane Austen; comparative analysis
     摘  要曹雪芹和简•奥斯汀分别是十八世纪英国和中国有名的作家,而《红楼梦》和《傲慢与偏见》都是他们典型的作品。《红楼梦》反映了社会日益衰落的清朝,《傲慢与偏见》则讲述了资本主义发展中的英国乡村生活。这两部作品都以家庭生活为核心,以婚恋为主题。这两部作品的女主人公分别是林黛玉和伊丽莎白•班内特。论文主要通过文本分析,对比分析的手法比较她们而找到她们有着相同的追求却收获了不同的结局的原因。作者将她们的形象描绘地栩栩如生,也通过她们暗示了作者自己的真实意图。
     Table of Contents
    1    Introduction    1
    1.1    An Introduction to Jane Austen    1
    1.2    An Introduction to Cao Xueqin    2
    1.3    An Introduction to Pride and Prejudice    2
    1.4    An Introduction to A Dream of Red Mansions    3
    2    Literature Review    3
    3    Similarities between Elizabeth Bennet and Lin Daiyu    5
    3.1    Living in Patriarchal Society    5
    3.2    Having Women Awareness    6
    3.3    Being Sensitive Towards Love    6
    4    Differences between Elizabeth Bennet and Lin Daiyu    7
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