
    And in the paper A Study on English Immersion Teaching for Hui Children in Wuzhong, the author Li Shengli made an experiment on English immersion teaching about Hui children in Wuzhong. Eighty-two children in Wuzhong Normal School were selected randomly to do the experiment. By using quantitative (T-test, correlation and questionnaire) and qualitative (interview) research methods, the author studied English immersion teaching and results.  The research shows that the children’s interest of learning is greatly aroused and the children can speak in English unconsciously during the proper situation (Li Shengli, 2004:2).  

    Liu Aixia suggests that constant praise, role play and games can stimulate students’ enthusiasm of learning English (Liu Aixia, 2010:74). Zhao Lin and Liu Hua emphasize the importance of establishing harmonious relationship between teachers and students (Zhao Lin, 2004:19). Liu Xiaoyan, through her experiment in English immersion teaching, discovers some strategies for language input and output.  

      3. Relevance Theories

    This thesis is based on three main relevance theories. They are Critical Period Hypothesis, motivation mode and cognitive theory. This section will have general introduction of these theories.

  1. 上一篇:从陶渊明《归园田居》英译看中诗意象的传达与翻译
  2. 下一篇:从目的论角度看汉语广告中模糊语的英译
  1. 贝蕾妮丝的格式塔美学解读

  2. 义乌市后宅镇农村小学英语教学现状调查

  3. 中英寒暄方式对比研究

  4. 多媒体在小学英语教学中的应用

  5. 故事教学法的小学英语微课设计与开发研究

  6. 小学英语课堂中教师话语的语用分析

  7. 小学英语教育中的赏识教育

  8. 美容學校排行榜前十名,...

  9. 破碎机的文献综述及参考文献

  10. 螺旋桨砂型铸造工艺研究现状

  11. 大型工程项目的环境影响评价研究

  12. 主动配电系统能量优化调度模型研究现状

  13. 女人40岁考什么证比較好,...

  14. 女生现茬學什么技术前景...

  15. 海门市东洲公园植物配置调查

  16. 聚苯乙烯微孔材料的制备及性能研究

  17. 基于AHP的保险业市场竞争力评价方法的研究




