Abstract  Scholars began to study Hemingway and The Old Man and the Sea around the 1970s from the perspective of eco-criticism. Eco-criticism is the study of literature and environment from an interdisciplinary point of view in which literature scholars analyze the environment and examine the various ways of literature in treating the natural themes.61418

  This thesis will briefly introduce the background and main content of eco-criticism. Then it will explore Santiago’s relationship with nature, and analyze Santiago’s harmonious coexistence with non-human beings. After that, the thesis will focus on the alienation between Santiago and other people under the view of deep ecology, and then tries to find a solution to solve the alienation, which is to be identified with non-human beings and by establishing harmonious relationship with other creatures and learning from the wisdom of the old man’s way of treating other creatures by showing respect and love to other people. This thesis is intended to reveal the ecological ideas of The Old Man and the Sea, and to arouse people’s ecological consciousness to nature.

Key words: The Old Man and the Sea; eco-criticism; nature


本文将简要介绍生态批评主义的背景及内容,接着将探讨圣地亚哥与自然的关系,并分析圣地亚哥与其他生物的和谐相处。接下来本文主要反映了在深层生态角度下圣地亚哥与他人的疏离关系,并试图找出解决这一疏离关系的方法, 即与其他生物融为一体。而这可以通过与他们建立和谐关系及用尊重与爱来对待他人这一从老人身上学来的智慧来实现。本文的主要目的旨在揭示在《老人与海》中体现的生态关怀,并唤起人们的生态意识。


1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

3. A Brief Review of Eco-criticism and Deep Ecology 2

4. The Old Man’s Relationship with Nature 3

4.1 The Old Man under the Rules of Nature 3

4.2 The Old Man as a Part of Nature 4

5. The Old Man’s Identification with Non-human Beings 5

5.1 The Old Man’s Coexistence with Sun, Moon, Stars and the Sea 6

5.2 The Old Man’s Coexistence with Big Marlin and the Sharks 7

5.3 The Old Man’s Coexistence with Other Creatures 8

6. The Old Man’s Alienation from Social Community 9

6.1 The Old Man’s Alienation with Other People 9

6.2 Solution to the Alienation among People 10

7. Conclusion 11

Works Cited 13

1. Introduction

Earnest Hemingway is one of the most well-known novelists in the world. The Old Man and the Sea, which won him the Nobel Prize, is one of his best works. It mainly tells a story about an old fisherman named Santiago goes out for fishing in the sea after eighty four days without catching anything, and on the eighty-fifth day, the old man has a hard fighting with a big marlin, and at last he succeeds catching it, while the blood of the it attracts a group of sharks. In the end, the big marlin becomes a skeleton when he comes home. With ecological disasters caused by human one after another, critics and scholars tend to re-examine the relationship between man and nature. And eco-criticism is a more favored method to explore the ecological thinking of Hemingway’s works.

















