Abstract Translation studies has witnessed the “cultural turn” period,since the 1980s, which the role of the translator in the translation has attracted people’s great attention. The study of translator’s subjectivity became a hot topic in translation studies consequently since then. Influenced by theory of deconstruction greatly, feminist translation theory emerged with its unique connections with women’s movement. In view of the above situation, this thesis is designed to work out a comprehensive study on the development of feminist translation theory, and tries to provide a systematic discussion on the characteristics of feminist translation theory by analyzing two translation versions of Jane Eyre. Jane Eyre is written by charlotte who is the famous English novelist. It successful creates Jane’s vivid image. She describes a woman seeking economic independence and struggling for love and equality. This thesis tries to compare two translation versions of Jane Eyre from feminist translation theory. It is designed to highlight women translators’ characteristics, so it also to advocate the importance of feminist translation.61660

Keywords: Feminism; Jane Eyre; translator’s subjectivity; gender identity



1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 2

2.1A Brief Review of Feminist Translation Theory 2

2.2 A Brief Review of Translator’s Subjectivity …..4

3. A Comparative Analysis between Zhu Qingying’s Version and Wu Junxie’s Version 6

3.1 Gender Identity Constructed in Zhu Qingying’s Version 7

3.2 Translator’s Subjectivity Constructed in Zhu Qingying’s Version 10

4. Conclusion 10

Works Cited 12

1. Introduction

As an important part of culture studies, feminism and translation studies developed a close relationship with each other. With the development of the women's movement in the west, gender and language problems also develop a close relationship. Translation studies come into contact with “gender”, feminist translation not only extends the research providing a new perspective of translator's subjectivity, but also gives a new impetus to the “cultural” in translation studies. Historically, translation considered as subordinate and not equal to the original and translator’s subjectivity had been neglected for a long time. Translation studies have undergone the ‘cultural turn’ since the 1980s, there are all kinds of factors like patronage, ideology, poetics, feminism, and so on, taken into consideration. Scholars begin their studies in new perspectives and have to pay attention to the cultural nature of translation practice. Translation is not any more considered merely as the transfer between languages but also the mediation between two cultures through which the translator plays a main part. Consequently translator’s subjectivity became noticed and different translation schools like manipulation, deconstructionism, hermeneutics etc, all developed their understandings relay on it. Greatly influenced by theory of deconstruction, feminist translation theory emerged with its unique connections with women’s movement. Feminist translation theory is designed to overwhelm patriarchal and stress feminist consciousness and feminist subjectivity. It surpasses dualism and denies absoluteness of the original meaning. Feminist translators abandon the golden principle of fidelity and transparent strategy, advocate creative treason and translator involves actively in meaning creation, thus demonstrating subjectivity of feminist translators. In view of the above situation, this thesis is designed to study the development of feminist translation theory. By comparing two translation versions of Jane Eyre, this thesis makes a systematic discussion on the characteristics of the theory of feminist translation. Jane Eyre is a novel written by English writer whose name is Charlotte Bronte. It successfully shows us a vivid female image. Jane braves to seek economic independence and struggles for love and equality, and finally she finds her happiness. This thesis tries to compare two translation versions of Jane Eyre from feminist translation theory. It is designed to highlight women translators’ characteristics, so it also to advocate the importance of feminist translation.源:自/优尔-·论,文'网·www.youerw.com/

















