156),  is  an encoding and

decoding process between sender and receiver.As long as the encode and decode go smoothly,then the communication process in BEC will be very smooth. The two scholars clarify the stylistic features of BEC from the angle of vocabulary,grammar and discourse separately

Yuan Jihong (Yuan 115), from the aspects of vocabulary、syntactic and textural features analyses the stylistic features of BEC. He holds that the BEC should usually comply with the rules of 7C principles.(courtesy, consideration, completeness, clarity, conciseness, concreteness and correctness)

While so many scholars all set out to the stylistic features of BEC from the above aspects, Zhao  Cuiling and Yang  Yi  (Zhao  134)open a different  approach to this filed,which    are

format, tone and phrase.They hold the opinion that BEC should not only have the feature of normative format,reasonable logic,but also with good manners and stressed strategy ,as well

as formal language of clear and concise.

2.1 Theories and previous studies of stylistic features on BEC

Stylistics can be briefly defined as "the study of style" (Wales   437)

Widdowson (Zhang 222) defines style as "the study of literary discourse from a linguistic orientation", adding that "I shall take the view that what distinguishes stylistics from literary criticism on the one hand and linguistics on the other is that it is essentially a means of linking the two".

Leech (Leech 1-2) has the same idea as Widdowson. He defines style as "the study of the use of language in literature", a "meeting-ground of linguistics and literary study".

Professor Xu Youzhi (Xu  2) defines stylistics as a branch of linguistics which  applies

the theory and methology of modern linguistics of the study of style; it is the study of the use of language in specific context and the accounting for the characteristics that mark the language use of inpiduals and social groups. Besides, stylistics can also be defined as an interdiciplined branch of learning which studies various differences between formal and informal, between deviant and normal, between magnificent and plain, between professional and popular, between foreign and domestic, between this and that inpidual.

Wang  Zuoliang  together  with Ding  Wangdao  (Wang  i-ii),  writes  in  their  joint works

Introduction to English Stylistics that Stylistics as a study of style can be interpreted at different levels. Narrowly speaking, the style the discipline focuses is chiefly on literature, while in a broad sense, the object of stylistics may include all the styles in a language. Stylistics aims to analyse and describe the linguistic features of various styles from the perspectives of phonology, lexicology, syntax etc. The study of stylistics can help deepen our understanding of different English styles as well as reinforce our acknowledgement of persified expressions. Meanwhile, it can also improve our ability to employ proper English in different language environments.来!自~优尔论-文|网www.youerw.com

Stylistic theories can be classified into different types according to their scope and purpose of study, and their theoretical backgrounds. In terms of the scope of study, we can have general stylistics and literary stylistics. While in terms of the purpose of the study, stylistics can be  pided  into  linguistic  stylistics,  literary stylistics and  social-historical and

cultural stylistics. (Zhang 224)

Formal stylistics is developed on the basis of Chomsky's transformational generative grammar. And functional stylistics refers to two theories of stylistics: that based on the linguistic theories of the Prague School and that based on the systemic functional linguistics.

















