

    摘 要iii


     Chapter One  Differences in Chinese and western dietetic ideas.3

          1.1 Chinese dietetic ideas.3

       1.2 Western dietetic ideas4

     Chapter Two  Differences in Chinese and western dietetic food materials7

          2.1 Differences in Chinese and western staple food.7

          2.2 Differences in Chinese and western dietetic seasoning8

     Chapter Three  Differences in Chinese and western table manners.10

          3.1 Chinese table manners10

          3.2 Western table manners………………………………………………….….11

Chapter Four  Differences in Chinese and western utensils……………….13

     4.1 Differences in Chinese and western table utensils……………………….13

     4.2 Differences in Chinese and western kitchen utensils……………………….14

     Chapter Five  Causes of differences in Chinese and western catering culture 16

          5.1 Geographic positions16

          5.2 Economic factors16



The Difference Between Chinese 

and Western Catering Culture 


  The catering of a country is the concentration of its culture. Chinese and western countries have their respective features in dietetic ideas, dietetic food materials, dietary modes, two causes of these differences. By comparing and doing research on these differences, it is of great significance to overcome the cultural gap and propel the combination of cosmopolitan cultural communication.

  Once foreign language learners lack the knowledge about their actions and the functions of verbal and non-verbal communications, some inappropriate behaviors will turn up, such as conflict, misunderstanding, contradiction or some other improper manners, which may cause our communication barriers. On the basis of such consequence, it will become much more difficult to have further valid acquaintances with people from other countries we unknown and lead to the severe inter-cultural mistakes.(胡文仲, 1999)论文网

  Catering culture is also one of the significant parts of non-verbal cultures in inter-cultural communication. Understanding differences between Chinese and western catering culture and their origins, it will not only help the learners propel the deep comprehension of language culture that they are studying, but also shun and eliminate the misunderstandings and communication barriers due to the inappropriate manners or catering distinctions(毕继万, 1999). Its intention is to help people have a deep understanding of those differences, but also to cultivate their adaptability to the inter-cultural communication. 

  The body of this passage is pided into four main chapters. Firstly, we will discuss from the aspect of both dietetic ideas. Chinese pay more attention to their taste sense. No matter what they cook, Chinese aim to focus on the food color, smell and taste, reaching the standard of feasts. In contrast to the taste-oriented Chinese food, western people persist sane eating. They concentrate on scientific and reasonable dietetic match and balanced nutrition. Secondly, chapter two is dedicated to describe two distinctive styles of food materials. The choice of staple food determines Chinese and western people to choose which kinds of seasonings as their matches, except the perse cultural backgrounds and climates. Thirdly, Chapter three is devoted to clarify the both table manners. It is shown that various table manners are related with long-term customs of their own countries, especially the local history. Fourthly, Chapter four is pided into two parts, Table utensils are mainly determined by the volumes and types of food, or their personal preferences. The other is kitchen utensils, which are set by the shapes, sizes of food and the ways of cooking. Fifthly, chapter five concludes two causes which resulting in these catering differences. They are the world wide geographic positions and the degrees of local economic developments. The passage is intended to assist people to have a better understanding of Chinese and western catering traditions when people are participating in the inter-cultural communication. 

















