Chapter 1:Introduction

1.1 Research Background 

From 2009 to 2014, the sales volume of Taobao and T-Mall (famous Chinese electric business websites) in “Double Elevens” (a Shopping Festival in China) have been always renewing the record. And in the year of 2015, the total sales volume was over 90 billion RMB, which was a big shock not only for the entity market but also the online platform both in China and around the world. And in the overseas, there is also a kind of sales promotion called “Christmas Discount Season” namely “Black Friday” for American and Canadian people. On the first Friday after Thanksgiving Day, almost all of the sellers will give a deep price cut and discount to attract customers. In the year of 2005, the whole sales volume in the day of “Black Friday” was over 20 billion dollars. The modern society is a highly developing society with economic prosperity and producing progress, and also the transformation of the purchasing mode especially the development of the network have an great effect on people’s purchasing customs and make the purchasing relatively conveniently and rapidly. And those factors have inspired the booming and rapid development of products’ manufacture and people’s demand. And when the situation of supply exceeding demand comes, the various sales promotion ways emerge as the time requires.

Sales promotion as the important part in the field of marketing management, has been studied for a long time in Art History. Ache. W. Shaw published the book Several Questions on Distribution in 1915 and firstly separates the business activities from the production activities by considering the function of distribution. Peter. T thought in his book released in 1995 “An Introduction to Language and Society” that “There is only one effective definition of enterprise: creation of customers.”[1]In 1967, Kotler Philip made sure further in his best seller “Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning and Control” the sales promotion way based on the core of 4Ps namely: product, price, place and promotion. George S. Downing put forward the systematical studying method in his book “Basic Marketing Management: Systematical Studying Method” and thought that a company is just a marketing sales promotion system and “the general system of an enterprise is to provide with the products and services to their potential customers through fixation of a price, sales promotion, distribution activity and other routines”. [2]Meanwhile, lots of researchers in China also made great contribution to the theoretical studying of sales promotion strategies. Chang Fuchi demonstrated the newest theory and development of marketing management in Modern Marketing Management Strategy in 1994. Guo Guoqing introduced the basic notion, theory and method of marketing management in The General Theory of Marketing in 2001. Feng Yingjian in the book Email Marketing Management systematically introduces marketing management theory and method and answered the basis questions in email marketing management, which includes the three aspects’ content: what is the real email marketing management? How to evaluate and control the effects of email marketing management? How to operate the email marketing management by taking advantage of the inner and outer list?文献综述

1.2 The Significance of the Research

    As the modern economy develops constantly and people’s life makes great progress, particularly the massive promotion of people’s consuming ways and wide usage of network, the related studying on sales promotion and Shopping Carnivals will surely have great positive effects on every aspect. Firstly, it will be good for the enterprises to study the corresponding sales promotion mode, broaden the products’ selling routine and enhance products’ selling dynamic so as to raise their sales volume; It will assist the consumers to enjoy the lower price and higher quality of the products and get the perfect purchasing experience from the related sales promotion activities done by the enterprises; It will also can advance China’s outer opening standard, marketing economy’s development and raise people’s living level, which all may contribute a lot to China’s social development and economic progress. 来*自-优=尔,论:文+网

















