The third part describes the heroine Kitty’s initial image。 Her desire for amusement, superiority, her ignorance of love, her loss of independence in marriage, all these make her lose herself。

In the fourth part, the theme of growth and self-actualization from the perspective of Maslow’s need hierarchy theory is discussed。 As the physiological need is not manifested in this novel, this part illustrates from Kitty’s pursuit of safety, love, esteem, self-actualization。As Kitty comes to the Mei-tan-fu, the cholera infected place, Kitty’s desire for safety is motivated。 Also she is gradually aware of love。 Here love is not only between lovers, but also between friends and family members。 Kitty also forms the esteem need when she is in the convert。 After going through a series of changes and experiences, Kitty gets self-fulfillment in her service in convert and her desire for freedom increased。 

The last part is the conclusion of this paper。

2。 Literature Review

2。1 Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology proposed by Abraham Maslow (1908-1970)。 In his 1943 paper “A Theory of Human Motivation” in Psychological Review, Maslow pided the needs into five levels: physiological need, safety need, love and belonging need, esteem need and self-actualization need。 The five needs are arranged from strongest to weakest based on the principle of “potency”。  (Maslow, 1999) He proposes that everyone has a need。 And only when the lower level is met, the higher level will appear。 At the same time, a person may have several different needs, but every time there is always a dominated need on one’s behavior。 Any kind of lower needs will not disappear with the development of higher level needs。 All levels of need overlap with each other, which means the lower level and the higher level of need will coexist and work together as a whole。

As the most basic need, physiological needs include food, water, sleep, air, sex and so on。 If these needs (except sex) are not satisfied, the human can't operate properly。 In other words, human life would be  threatened。When physiological needs are relatively met, the inpidual’s safety needs become dominant。 Safety needs are composed by not only personal security, health and well-being, safety net against accidents/illness, but also financial security。 They can be affected by disaster, illness and so on。 After physiological and safety needs are attained, love and belonging needs appear。 Everyone hopes to be loved and looked after。 Belonging exists in home and social identity。 One hopes to get others' recognition, and become a member of the society。 And one’s love and belonging needs are influenced by inpidual’s experience, education, religion, ect。 Once one loses friendship, family love, intimacy, he will be prone to suffer anxiety, loneliness and depression。 However, when one is filled with love, he will pursue for the next level, esteem needs。 As everyone hopes, his ability and achievement will be recognized and his status will be stabilized。 This is the need for respect from others。 If one is capable, confident and independent in different situations, he has really obtained self-respect。 The highest level is self-actualization needs。 It refers to the realization of inpidual ambition and personal ability into full play。 One can accept himself and others。 One can solve problems, good at independent thinking, and complete tasks with their own ability。 Self-actualization needs make people realize their potential and transform them into the desired character。文献综述

These five needs to some extent accord with the rule of human development。 The theory points that one has a dominant need in different periods which have some enlightenment to management。 However, this theory has some passive aspects。 The classification of needs has tendency to overlap with each other。 The standard of needs’ being satisfied is obscure。












