The Image of Gentleman in England——Take Sherlock Holmes as an Example Abstract When we refer to the British culture, the gentleman culture will emerge in our mind。 There are many gentleman characters in the English literature。 This paper will take Sherlock Holmes as an example, analyzing his appearance, education experience, the strong points and shortcomings of his characteristic to show readers a unique gentleman in Victorian era。75213

Keywords: Sherlock Holmes; Gentleman; appearance; education experience; characteristic 


摘  要一提起英国文化,人们就会想到绅士文化。在英国文学中出现了很多绅士形象。本文将以夏洛克·福尔摩斯为例,从福尔摩斯的外表,教育经历,性格上的优点和缺点来进行分析,为读者展示一个维多利亚时期独特的英国绅士。



1。 Introduction 1

1。1 Introduction 1

1。2 Literature Review 2

2。 The Social Background of Sherlock Holmes 3

3。 Sherlock Holmes’s Appearance 3

4。 Sherlock Holmes’s Education Experience 5

5。 Sherlock Holmes’s characteristics 6

5。1 Sherlock Holmes is a merciful detective 6

5。2 Unique Side 9

6。 Conclusion 10

References 11

1。 Introduction

1。1 Introduction

When we refer to the British culture, the gentleman will emerge in our mind。 There is always a fixed image of gentleman: a man in a suit, wearing a bowler hat, carrying an umbrella, and he is elegant, well-educated, determined and so on。 Gentleman culture is the essence of British culture and also the value tendency of British people who accepted it as a standard in daily life。 Gentleman culture has come through a long way development。 It evolved from the British noble spirit, and in the process of its evolution, it absorbed the values of different social classes。 The word “gentleman” first appeared in 1413。 At that time, Henry V proposed that the property and status of the defendant in an appeal or complaint needed to be stated。 So there is a need for a new word to represent the young and non-title members of the knight and the baron family in order to distinguish them from the titled nobility。 During the Henry VIII era, the church land was confiscated and became the king's property。 By the purchase of these lands, the gentleman whose statue was lower would be soon respected by others。 The middle class realized this was an opportunity。 They were not hereditary nobility, but through the purchase of land they could be respected and announced that they were gentlemen。 In 16th century, the definition of a gentleman began to include some new elements, such as wealth, land, and personal pursuits。 The civil wars in the 17th century marked the transition of British from feudalism to capitalism, and the gentleman began to play a key role in the process of this transition。 In 18th century, the meaning of gentleman had a new change。 Courtiers, businessmen and scholars had the right to own the title of a gentleman。 The title of a gentleman was no longer confined to a person's environment, but was determined by his behavior。 In 19th century, the connotation of the gentleman evolved into “a professional man who served the city and the country "。 

















