Abstract Humor plays a significant role in people’s life。 It is just because of its functions that humor is widely used in many aspects。 However, due to different backgrounds of the two cultures, Chinese humor is different from western humor。 Then there may be communication barriers and unnecessary misunderstanding。 This thesis is to make a study of the different expression of humor。 According to this point, basic understanding and analysis should be gained about humor。 This thesis mainly attempts to probe into the differences of humor between China and west and the causes of these differences at the same time by analyzing the common examples of cultural communication。75655

Keywords:  humor; Chinese and Western culture; differences and causes;




1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 2

3。 Comparison between Chinese and English Humor 4

3。1 Differences in topics 4

3。2 Differences in interlocutors 5

3。3 Differences in functions 6

3。4 Differences in expression forms 8

4。 Causes of Differences between Chinese and English Humor 9

4。1 Differences in social and historical backgrounds 9

4。2 Differences in religious influence 10

4。3 Differences in inpidualism and collectivism 10

4。4 Differences in hierarchy concepts 11

4。5 Differences in ways of thinking 12

5。 Conclusion 12

Works Cited 14

1。 Introduction 

With the fast development of the society, it is quite common to keep contact with the outer world in today’s world。 By studying the humorous differences in language expression, we can learn western culture better and avoid needless misunderstanding。 Humor is not easily understood, but humor should be used in a correct way。 Thus it can help bring joy and pleasure for people。 It can avoid embarrassment when people are suddenly in an awkward conversation。 Moreover, it can give people a kind of wise impression 。论文网

Humor is a kind of language art and the product of development of humor culture。 Humor, as a kind of linguistic treasure, has many types of expression forms, such as  literal humor, language humor, physical humor。 And among all kinds of these, language  humor is the main form。 Both Chinese and Western countries have their own humorous expressions。 Due to the differences in the background of the two cultures, there exist distinctions between Chinese and English。 By studying the differences and the causes  between them, we can get better understanding of the cultures。 Thus we are able to carry out intercultural studies better via taking the advantages of the outcome of this thesis 。

















