Abstract With increasingly frequent economic and trade exchanges between China and the United States, the big cultural differences between the two countries on the impact of business negotiations become increasingly prominent。 In business negotiations, the different negotiating styles between the negotiators lead to misunderstanding of each other, which hinders the smooth progress of the negotiations。 This thesis, from the perspective of Hofstede’s  cultural dimension, compares and analyses cultural differences between the two countries from power distance, uncertainty avoidance, inpidualism vs collectivism, masculinity vs femininity, long term orientation vs short term orientation。 In addition, it also puts forward some advice and strategies beneficial to the smooth implementation of business negotiations from the perspective of the intercultural communication。75973

Keywords: Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension;cultural differences; Sino-U。S business negotiation; intercultural communication


毕业论文关键词:霍夫斯泰德文化维度理论; 文化差异;中美国际商务谈判; 跨文化交际


1。 Introduction1

2。 Literature Review2

3。 The Sino-American Cultural Differences under the Hofstede’s Theory of Cultural Dimensions。3

3。1 Power Distance。4

3。2 Uncertainty Avoidance。。。5

3。3Inpidulism versus Collectivism6

3。4 Masculinity versus Femininity7

3。5 Long-term versus Short-term。。8

4。Cultural Differences Influencing Sino-American Business Negotiations。。。9

4。1 Cultural differences affecting negotiation method10

4。2 Cultural differences affecting interpersonal relationship。。11

4。3 Cultural difference affecting decision method。。12

4。4 Cultural differences affecting the protocol form of negotiation。。。13

5。Suggestions for Sino-US Business Negotiations 。14

5。1 Understanding and respecting other nations’ culture15

5。2 Expressing your ideas directly。。16

5。3 Learning the advantages of other nations’ culture17

5。4 Changing the Stereotype。。。18

6 Conclusion。。。。。19

Works Cited。20

1。 Introduction 

With the development of the international trade, the business relationship between China and the U。S。 is becoming much closer。 China has already become one of the major trading partners of the U。S。 The more contacts of economy and trade with the U。S。 are made, the more business negotiations will occur。 (Beamer 22) However, it is very common that the communication barriers and unnecessary misunderstandings, even negotiating failures will happen during the business negotiation process resulting from lack of understanding the other side’s culture。 Therefore, it is very significant for the negotiators to understand the cultural differences when participating in Sino-US business negotiations。 There are a number of thesis discussing this topic, but most of them are too broad and superficial。 In my thesis, I will compare the cultural differences between China and America from the perspective of Hofstede’s cultural dimension, which includes power distance, uncertainty avoidance, inpidualism vs collectivism, masculinity vs femininity, long term orientation vs short term orientation。 By studying and analyzing the effects of cultural differences on Sino-US business negotiations, I have put forward some advices for both negotiators to reach win-win strategies in international business trade。文献综述

















