摘 要:《水乡船歌》是蒋国基先生一首具有开拓创新精神的作品,这首作品在曲笛界有着十分重要的作用,不仅仅是它拥有动人优美的旋律,更是因为它拥有创新理念和开拓的思路,在一定程度上,对中国竹笛的发展起到了奠基的作用,促进了竹笛的发展。文章借鉴了蒋国基先生创作的总结,加上自己的分析和查阅书籍,结合作品简介、作品的曲式及演奏方法技巧分析、艺术风格特点等进行论述,从不同方向进行分析,由表及里,进一步深层次了解作品的内涵,了解其竹笛发展的革新,让大家再次接触这一曲目时,能全面的了解这一作品,让更多的竹笛爱好者和学习者掌握这一融合了南北不同演奏技巧的名作。19088
The flute songs “riverboat”
Abstract:: "Riverboat" is Mr. Jiang Guoji a pioneering spirit of innovation works,this song has a very important role in its industry, not only is it has abeautiful melody, but also because it has the innovation anddevelopment of ideas, to a certain extent, to the foundation of thedevelopment of Chinese bamboo flute the bamboo flute, promote thedevelopment of. This article refers to the creation of Mr. Jiang Guojiconcluded, coupled with their own analysis and check out books,combined with the introduction, works of musical and performancetechniques, artistic style characteristics were discussed, analyzed,from a different direction from the outside to the inside, deeperconnotation solution works, understand the bamboo flute developing innovative, let everybody once this piece meshes, can fully understand this works, let more flute lovers and learners master thefusion of the different playing skills masterpieces.
Key Words:Riverboat;performance; performance skills; Jiangnan region of rivers and lakes
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、作品简介 2
(一)作者简介 2
(二)作品介绍 3
二、作品分析 4
(一)乐曲的结构分析 4
(二)乐曲的演奏方法分析 5
三、作品特点 8
(一)写作特点 8
(二)演奏技巧特点 9
四、作品的意义 10
参考文献 11
致谢 12