摘 要: 张继刚是中国舞蹈史上一个具有里程碑意义的人物,作为中国专业舞蹈创作的代表人物,他的作品题材多样、主题鲜明、风格独特、形象生动。本文从梳理张继刚的艺术成就入手,通过对其舞蹈的民族和现当代两个层面的舞蹈创作风格进行分析,进而探究其对中国舞蹈创作所产生的影响,目的就是为了让人们了解中国舞蹈的精神所在,同时也为我国现今的原创舞蹈发展提供一定的参考价值。 40176 毕业论文关键词:张继刚;舞蹈;创作风格
Analyses the style of Zhang Jigang’s dance creation
Abstract: Zhang Jigang is a landmark in the history of Chinese dance, as the representative figure of China's professional dance creation, his works have distinct persity of subject matter, theme, style unique, vivid.This article obtains from the comb Zhang Jigang's artistic achievement, by its national dance, military, and modern and contemporary three levels of dance style is analyzed, and then explore the impact of its dance creation in China, the purpose is to let people understand the spirit of Chinese dance, but also to our country present original dance development to provide certain reference value.
Keywords: Zhang Jigang; Dance creation; Creation style
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