摘要:《十面埋伏》是我国大型的琵琶套曲,以楚汉相争为题材,描写双方在核下之战的情景。本文从《十面埋伏》的艺术特征入手,并结合具体的谱例力求从其套曲单乐章曲式分析、独特的演奏技巧和气势磅礴的情感表现三个方面来阐述作品的艺术特色,以求让读者更加了解琵琶曲《十面埋伏》的音乐表现,对中国民族音乐的传承和发展有积极作用。39827 毕业论文关键词:十面埋伏;艺术特征;表演 ;研究
Art feature of Pipa "ambush on all sides"
Abstract:"China is a large ambush on all sides" in the Chu Han Pipa Taoqu, theme, description of both sides in the battle under the nuclear situation. In this thesis, and combined with specific examples in order to from the suite in one movement, musical analysis, unique playing skills and the magnificent emotional performance three aspects to elaborate the characteristics of the art works from the artistic features of the "house of Flying Daggers". In order to make the readers more understanding of the development of the music on the road made a certain contribution, and promote the development of the music of the inheritance and research music have a positive effect.
Key words: Aumbush on all sides; artistic characteristics; performance st
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