    关键词 室内设计 空间 意境
    Title On the interior design of the space design and create
    the Artistic Conception
    In recent decades, Chinese interior design theory system is maturing. Now
    this era is the era of a cultural collision and fusion , in which a large
    background of traditional linear theory also brought to the interior design
    for the modern , multi- cultural integration path. The concept originated
    in the Chinese conception of classical literature , it is the core of
    Chinese traditional aesthetic concepts in a variety of classical aesthetic
    painting , poetry, melody and others have performance. Meanwhile, the mood
    as the core idea of Chinese traditional aesthetic concepts also deeply
    affect the development of Chinese classical architecture , classical
    gardens. Therefore, in this historical background, there is a profound
    conception of space and adequate theoretical foundation to practice its
    This paper first interior design overview , prospects and trends of
    development were introduced , and then introduced to analyze the spatial
    design in the interior design of the role of different techniques can be
    discussed through the interior space to create a different atmosphere,
    after creating space with the mood of ways and means to provide guidance .
    In this paper, a different mood then conducted a comparative study of the
    theory and analysis , locate the connotation conception of space that space
    is a mood state space aesthetic , is triggered by a variety of spatial
    imagery perceptions of people , inspired by the aesthetic of people charm ,
    meet the aesthetic needs of people , gives rise to the association and imagination . Followed by space design in interior design application
    specific cases analyzed how the use of space designed to create a mood
    space. Finally, the value and the future development of the theoretical
    conception of space in the interior design were thinking and exploring nature.
    Keywords interior design Space Artistic conception
    目 次
    1 引言.1
    2 室内设计的特点及趋势.1
    2.1 室内设计的概述1
    2.2 室内设计的特点2
    2.3 室内设计的发展趋势3
    3 室内设计中的空间设计.6
    3.1 室内空间的概述6
    3.2 室内空间的分割形式6
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