    Application of Chinese elements in fashion jewelry
    Abstract: With the development of economy in China, people's living standard continues to improve, and more and more people begin to emphasis spiritual and cultural pursuit, for their basic material needs are satisfied. With the wealth of material culture, people have higher self-demands to their quality of life, and fashion jewelry, pendants and other jewelry have become a necessity of life decorate.
    In recent years, China's international status constantly improving, Chinese culture has been attracting a growing number of foreigner’s attention. And the design of Western culture is fashion guidance for a long term in the fashion jewelry, clothing and other international arena. Therefore, for the study of applied research and development of Chinese elements in fashion jewelry, some of the traditional Chinese icons, ornamentation can be better applied in jewelry and taken advantage of Chinese traditional culture of life jewelry, so that people appreciate the charm of Chinese culture better.
    Modern jewelry combined application status with foreign elements in the development of Chinese brands do better correlation analysis through the introduction of Chinese elements related to the development of ancient Chinese and jewelry. Finally, the proposal put forward their views according to the development status and application of Chinese elements in jewelry market. I hope Chinese cultural characteristics of fashion jewelry brand can develop well in the future
    Key words: Accessories, China elements Chinese, traditional culture, Chinese traditional pattern
    目    录
    一 绪论    1
    (一)研究的背景    1
    (二)研究的意义及目的    1
    (三)本文主要研究工作    2
    二 中国古代饰品    3
    (一)中国古代饰品的发展概述      3
    (二)中国古代饰品对现在饰品发展的启示    4
     1、“用心”制作    4
     2、“变”与“不变”相结合    4
    三 中国元素    5
    (一)中国元素的概述    5
     1、中国元素的定义    5
     2、中国元素的组成    5
    (二)饰品中的中国传统图案    5
     1、图腾演变纹样:龙凤纹    5
     2、文字演变纹样:回纹    7
     3、中国传统图案汇总    8
    四 中国元素在饰品中的应用    10
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