        本论文针对当今环境的现状与其所面临的问题以及环保展的发展与现状的了解研究,从环境状况、环保展概况、 环保展示设计三组关键词展开讨论。从而提出了能够更直观、更贴合“环保”这一主题的设计方案构想。23268
    毕业论文关键词:环境状况、环保展概况、 环保展示设计
    Environmental protection in the use of the show
    ---- Environmental universal exhibition
    In daily life, because of the people’s consciousness of environmental protection is not strong, directly or indirectly discharge the contaminations into the environment over its self-purification capability of matter or energy, thus the quality of the environment is reduced and a negative impact on human’s survival and development, ecological system and property adversely. With the development of scientific and technological level as well as the improvement of people's living standard, environment pollution is growing, especially in those developing countries. Environmental pollution is becoming more and more one of the common topics all over the world.
    In addition to the present situation of the environment and the existing problems, this paper focuses on the development and current situation of the environmental protection exhibition’s research and analysis, combination of environmental aspect,survey of environmental protection exhibition, environmental protection exhibition design discussions on the three sets of keywords, that can create a design that more intuitive and fit the theme "environmental protection". 
    Keywords: Environmental aspect,Survey of environmental protection exhibition, Environmental protection exhibition design
    一、绪论    5
    (一)研究的目的与意义    5
    (二)国内外研究的背景及发展情况    5
    1.国外发展情况    5
    2.国内发展情况    5
    (三)论文采用的研究方法与手段    5
    二、环境的现状及其严峻的势态    6
    (一)世界环境的状况    6
    (三)对未来生活的担忧    8
    三、环保展的形成及发展    9
    (二)应时而生的环保展    9
    1.德国慕尼黑国际环博会    9
    2.日本东京环保展    10
    四、贴合“环保”、运用“环保”    10
    (一)把“环保”投放到展会的实际运用中    11
    1.环保材料在展会中的使用    12
    2.可回收运用    12
    (二)设计定位与构想    13
    (三)设计简述与说明    14
    五、总结与展望    15
    优尔、致谢    16
    七、参考文献    17
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