摘 要:中国工笔花鸟画是中国传统绘画重要流派之一,其严谨细腻的绘画创作方式在中国传统画种中极具识别性。本文结合毕业创作,试论中国工笔花鸟画的绘画语言。首先简述中国工笔花鸟画的概况,然后结合毕业创作重点阐述自己对中国工笔花鸟画的线条特色、色彩特点和构图技巧的理解和感悟。中国画博大精深,其意象性决定画面上出现的元素都具有主观性,构图、线条和色彩在当代中国工笔花鸟画发展中都有较大形式的变化。因此在创作过程中,查阅不同画家的作品和理论资料作为自己论文的依据,从画面不同的置陈布势到线条、色彩的运用,来表现毕业创作的画面意境。94063
毕业论文关键词:工笔花鸟画 绘画语言 创作
Abstract: One of the important schools in traditional Chinese painting is the Chinese painting and bird painting, which is very well recognized in traditional Chinese painting。 In this paper, the author tries to discuss the painting language of Chinese painting and bird painting。 Brief overview of the Chinese painting flowers and birds painting first, and then combined with the graduation creation emphasis on their lines of Chinese painting flowers and birds painting characteristics, color characteristics and composition skills of understanding and comprehension。 Extensive and profound Chinese painting, its YiXiangXing decided the picture on the element of subjectivity, composition, line and color in the development of contemporary Chinese fine brushwork flower-and-bird paintings have larger changes in the form。 Therefore in the process of creation, access to different painters works and theory of data as the basis of their papers, Chen fuse to be from different lines, the use of color, to express the graduation picture of the creation of artistic conception。
Keywords:meticulous flowers-and-birds painting painting languade creation
目 录
1 引言4
2 工笔花鸟画发展概况4
3 工笔花鸟画绘画语言5
4 创作感悟8
结论 10
致谢 12
1 引言论文网
中国工笔花鸟画历史悠久,经过无数代画家巨匠们的推动迅速成长,愈发地大放异彩,尤其是在经过东西方艺术文化碰撞交融的历练,迅速成长为与时代紧密相连的新的工笔花鸟画,呈现出中国文化的灿烂及顽强的生命力。本文追溯中 国工笔花鸟画的发展,通过艺术史深入了解中国工笔花鸟画的特点,以及其形成原因,并探索中国工笔花鸟画的构图、线条、色彩三种绘画语言在毕业创作中的运用。
2 工笔花鸟画发展的基本概况
唐朝独立成科的工笔花鸟画,在兴起之初的五代就分为粗与工两个流派,即所谓的 “黄荃富贵,徐熙野逸”。之后的历代工笔花鸟画家固然在技法上各自有所立异,但都或多或少受到徐黄两家的影响。宋代工笔画大多精致工整,追求“四时朝暮,花蕊叶皆不同”的写实风尚。近代中西文化的交流碰撞,艺术大师们将西方的绘画思想、绘画材料、表现技法等因素,融入中国绘画中去,使得现代工笔花鸟画多彩纷呈,题材众多,既能够保持优秀的民族性,又能够很好地表现先进的时代性。至此,中国工笔花鸟画完成了由传统到现代状态的完美融合与蜕变。