    Landscape design of the ecological wetland park in the ecological wetland park in the city of Jiangyin City
    With the development of the country and the improvement of the quality of people "s living standards, the construction of the city wetland park has become a new era" s need and the space where people live. Waterscape design is an important part of the design of Urban Wetland Park, through of Jiangyin City Furong Ze Wetland Park waterscape design discussion and analysis, discussed and summarized in this paper, to solve the problems existing in the application of practical design: Park function area and waterfront landscape design, plant design, how placement hydrophilic platform, how placement boardwalk and entrance landscape design. The wetland park of display area, tourist area and management service area; planning and design of urban wetland park should follow the system protection and reasonable utilization and coordinated principles combined with the construction of, give full play to its economic benefits, social benefits, and beautify the urban environment, so as to become a practical and beautiful park place. By combining the city with the wetland landscape, the city wetland park is integrated with the function, ecological principle, cultural value and artistic taste and the utilization of the resources..
    Keywords: water scene design; urban wetland park design; waterfront landscape design
    1 引言¬-—6
    1.1  项目研究背景¬¬—7
    1.2  项目研究意义—7
    1.3  指导思想—7
    1.4  课题概述—7
    2 背景分析—7
    2.1 生态价值 8
    2.2 经济、社会效益8
    3 基地现状分析8
     3.1 区位分析8
     3.2 周边环境分析8
     3.3 场地水文地质条件8
    4 设计理念与目的10
       4.2.1 调研10
       4.2.2 设计说明10
    4.3 设计目的—10
    5 设计手法与表现—11
    5.1 设计内容11
    5.2 细部大样设计14
    5.3 图纸表现手法14
    6 结束语15
    7 致谢—15
    8 参考文献—16
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