    毕业论文关键词  端午  民俗  传统  形象设计  主题活动
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title    The Nanjing Museum image design of the festive theme                 
    The theme of this year’s graduation design is about the Nanjing Museum image design of the festive theme. I decided on Dragon Boat Festival as the festival theme among the numerous Chinese festivals, and worked out a series of image design about Dragon Boat Festival for the Nanjing Museum celebration. The style of this design is focused on conciseness, tradition and interestingness to conform to the atmosphere of the festival and the characteristics of the Nanjing Museum.
    I made a sufficient survey and consideration on the present theme design by researching and analyzing many previous theme activities of the Nanjing Museum. Then I did a range of jobs like sketch design, program planning, computer drawing etc, combined with folk custom of the traditional festival. I made the idea that every visitor can profoundly understand the connotation of the traditional culture of the Dragon Boat Festival in Nanjing Museum throughout the whole design. I sought to make every visitor influenced by the deep festival atmosphere which I had created in my design. As a result, I stressed the inpidualization and tradition flavor in my design.
    Keywords  The Dragon Boat Festival  folk custom  tradition  image design   theme activities
    目   次
    1     绪论   1
    2     课题简介   2
    2.1  课题研究背景  2
    2.2  设计的目标  2
    3     课题相关现状调研分析   3
    3.1  南京博物院  3
    3.2  端午节日民俗调研与分析  4
    3.3  国内外节日主题形象设计现状分析  5
    3.4  主题活动  6
    3.5  主题活动与形象设计  6
    3.6  视觉形象设计基础要素  6
    3.7  主题活动应用设计  8
    4     设计思路与制作流程   9
    4.1  设计的过程  9
    4.2  设计的定位   12
    4.3  前期方案构思  13
    5     总体方案的视觉阐述    15
    5.1  标志设计   15
    5.2  吉祥人物设计   15
    5.3  端午基本元素设计   16
    5.4  海报设计   16
    5.5  宣传邀请手册设计   16
    5.6  宣传横幅设计   17
    5.7  相关展示类应用物品设计   18
    5.8  前期失败方案展示分析   22
    6     尺寸与材料方面   24
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