    毕业论文关键词:千字文  智永  王羲之  继承  创新

    Shallow of wisdom and the grass thousand character classic books of wang xizhi "handicraftsmen in inheritance and innovation
    Abstract: the thousand character classic verse composed of more than one thousand Chinese characters, the compilation of the wei jin southern and northern dynasties period, is of great influence in ancient China children's primers. Since the ancient times, literature and poetry often appear as a carrier of calligraphy. And thousand character classic is the emperor wudi orders from wang xizhi calligraphy cimc one thousand words, so came first, the calligraphy after into the article. This kind of its characteristics shows that it is an important component of Chinese calligraphy. Because of its content and the artistic charm of wang xizhi calligraphy catchy, traditionally shoka often through thousand character classic wang xizhi classic inheritance and learning, to create on behalf of their respective distinctive style of thousand character classic works. Yong "grass thousand character classic", the essay focuses on the research think the art style characteristic and the wisdom never to calligraphy of wang xizhi brushwork and the word of the inheritance, innovation, from which we can learn calligraphy of pision in the inheritance of ancient mud interpretation.
    Keywords: thousand character classic yong wang xizhi inheritance innovation
    智永《真草千字文》字形结构十分谨严,用笔精到一丝不苟。他的行笔精练熟道,飘逸中含古意,温润中含秀劲。宋米芾《海岳名言》评曰:“智永临集千文,秀润圆劲,八面具备”。又如苏轼所评:“精能之至,返造疏淡。”草书的每个字都是分开独立的,用笔精练,笔画肥劲,活泼生动;楷书方圆并用,结构紧凑,有晋人书风法度。“师远祖逸少,.......微尚有道之风,半得右军之肉。” 他继承并总结了“二王”正草两体的结体、用笔。
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