    毕业论文关键词:研发园区   服务中心   丰富界面  整体简约
     The design of service center
    Abstract:In this paper some R & D facilities of the Park Service Center Design on the basic methods and spatial layout principle is summarized, on the basis of R & D facilities of the Park Service Center building lots of reference and learning. The vocabulary of architecture and design techniques used in the law of their graduation in. To create innovative, scientific and full of their own design concept matching service center design and the case design focus on building the space dimension of the overall sense and the use of comfort, of course, there are simple architectural interface effect. In short, the original intention of the case design is to create a comfortable service space, the design concept is the beauty of the freeze frame. If you can use a text description of the case, I would rather this sentence is: simple design, simple design.
    KeyWords:;garden of research and development  service center  Architectural interface
    Overall simplicity
    目  录
    1 引言:本案概述3
    1.1  建筑区位 3
    1.2  建筑用地3
    1.3  现状描述3
    2 同类项目研究与分析 4
    2.1  拉脱文亚创意服务中心4
    2.2  研究总结  5
    2.3 重庆棕榈岛商业项目  5
    3 本项目问题分析及设计定位12
    3.1 本项目问题12
    3.2 设计定位12
    4 设计理念:功能、空间、交通、景观等方面简介
    4.1  功能定位13
    4.1.1  会议13
    4.1.2  办公13
    4.1.3  餐饮13
    4.1.4  地下空间13
    4.2  空间特色13
    4.3  总图展示13
    4.4 景观构思14
    4.4.1  建筑展示14
    4.4.2  铺装表现15
    1  引言:本案概述
    1.1  区位
    1.2  边界及用地
    本项目用地规模约11000㎡,周边道路为:东——东环路   西——永泰路    南——尧水街 (现状CAD地基)
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