    ABSTRACT China's publishing industry with the rapid development of electronic technology and network technology, the great changes, both magazines, newspapers or traditional bookstore how to adapt to the times and move forward to become urgent problem to be solved, and even bookstores as a publishing market by the end of the most It hits the most obvious. Tourism and bookstores, in the traditional ideology, it seems to be two unrelated words. But now with the global economy, especially in China, the living standards and quality of the people has been significantly changed and improved, people's consumption point of view but also from the "live food" becomes richer. On the one hand, as an emerging tourism industry has become one of today's hottest industry, tourism and travel several creative Marxist bookshop is a popular tourist site in the country to coordinate the creation of a local bookshop characteristics, combined with the book tour is bound to dislodge not the same spark. On the other hand, with the younger consumer groups, with personalized products and business factors have been gradually to the majority of consumers. And this is full of personal factors "Tourism doctrine", will bring new life to hope for the bookstore, and the application for the "tour ism" personality factors VI system is a matter of discussion in this paper.
    Keywords: Travel doctrine; bookstore; VI design; personalized
    目  录
    第一章   个性化因素的形成
    1.1 个性化因素简介      1
    1.2 个性化因素形成      1
    1.3 个性化因素所传导的  1
    第二章   旅游主义
    2.1 旅游主义简介   2
    第三章   VI设计
    3.1 VI设计简介    3
    3.2 VI设计特性    3
    第四章   个性化因素对游几间创意书店VI设计理念的影响
    第五章   旅游主义对于游几间与受众的意义
    结束语       8
    致谢         9
    参考文献      10
    第一章  个性化的形成
    1.1 个性化因素简介
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