
    摘要: 课题为游戏公司多媒体宣传样册,是以游戏公司为主体的宣传样册设计,采用电子多媒体的样式来实现。主要应用软件为photoshop、flash和iebook。结合平面设计以及动画设计,综合展示日本游戏公司任天堂所制作的游戏、游戏机以及发展历史等内容。首先使用Photoshop软件制作主体部分,包括背景以及文字内容的排版等。再在Flash软件中制作装饰性特效,包括片头以及插入性的动态效果。最后将平面设计的内容与动态特效一同导入到iebook软件中,在iebook的平台内将两者结合在一起,融合成一个完整的作品。主体部分偏向于杂志设计,注重文字排版以及背景制作,既需要考虑整体的统一性,又需要表达好每一个版面的个性。Flash的部分以装饰为目的,要做到与主体风格一致,并能够起到足够的衬托作用。48659

    毕业论文关键词: 多媒体;游戏;iebook

    The design of multimedia game company propaganda materials

    Abstract: Topics for games, multimedia public information catalog, is game companies as the main promotional catalog design, use of electronic multimedia style to achieve. Main applications are Photoshop, Flash, and iebook. Combining graphic design and animation, integrated show Japan gaming company Nintendo produced games, game consoles, as well as the history and so on. Main part of first using Photoshop software, such as background and text layout. Making decorative effects in the Flash software, including titles and inserts the dynamic effects. Finally, the graphic design together with dynamic special effects into the iebook software, combine together on the iebook platform, integration into a complete work. Main part in favor of the magazine, focusing on typography and background production, need to consider both the overall unity and need to express the personality of each layout. Flash component of the decoration for the purpose, to be consistent with the principal, and can provide enough background.

    Keywords: Multi-Media; Game; iebook


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 2

    1 绪论 3

    2 分析 5

    2.1 分析整体构成内容 5

    2.2 制作重点 5

    2.3 难点和对策 6

    2.3.1 课题中出现的难点 6

    2.3.2 拟定对策 6

    2.4 软件使用 6

    2.5 具体设计分析 7

    3 设计 9

    3.1 封面封底设计 9

    3.2 目录设计 10

    3.3 版块标题设计 11

    3.4 游戏版块内容 13

    3.5 游戏机掌机版块内容设计 14

    3.6 公司版块内容设计 16

    3.7 IEBOOK样式设计 16

    4 结论 17

    4.1 封面封底部分 17

    4.2 版块标题部分 19

    4.3 版块内容部分 20

    4.4 总体总结 23


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