Analyses and Pimacun artistic features
And to the understanding of the creation and revelation
Landscape painting, as one of the three Chinese painting painting pision, plays an important role in the Chinese art. And landscape painting brush is one of the decisive factors for the mature, from empty hook not Cun to appeared Cun, wrap around the birth of all kinds of brush, such as hemp Cun formed today's landscape painting unique appearance. Including Zheng Ji mentioned in the qing dynasty, led by the beatles hemp Cun, in all sorts of brush, and Cun founded by five generations dong yuan, is a kind of experiment is given priority to with line, the line with pen and ink is important artistic features of hemp Cun, is a unique beauty. This article will from the following several parts make deep research on wearing hemp Cun: the first part, the artistic features of wearing hemp Cun brief overview; The second part, and emphasis on Cun artistic feature, from the five dynasties "photo" and Cun, "calligraphy" (hemp Cun yuan dynasty, Ming and qing dynasties and Cun inheritance and change, and modern huang and Cun reform, discusses the five dynasties "photo" and "calligraphy" of yuan dynasty and Cun, analysis from the aspects of wrap around the hemp Cun pen in ink painters of the classic, and every period and Cun change; The third part, the study and Cun reading in copy and graduation creation and revelation.
Key Words: Pimacun; Line; Pen and ink; using
目 录
(一) 五代披麻皴的 “求真”1
(二) 元代披麻皴 具有“书法性” -3
(三) 明清披麻皴的 继承与求变-4
(四) 近现代披麻皴的 创新5
三、“披麻皴”对创作的解读与启示- 5
一 披麻皴的概述
“皴法”是历代画家“外师造化,中得心源”得出的绘画技法。其中,《梦幻居画学简明 论皴》中提到各种皴法以披麻皴为首,披麻皴是一种以线为主的皴法,因它的形状如麻,故称“披麻皴”,也可称为“麻皮皴”,适合表现江南土山平缓细密的纹理。披麻皴主要以线为主,故从形态上,又可分为长披麻皴和短披麻皴,董源善用短披麻皴、细腻且圆润,用来表现山石的质感和阴暗面;巨然继承并发展董源的短披麻皴,在画中主要运用长披麻皴,老优尔率真的线条用来塑造山石的造型、表现山石的主要结构。