


     The Study of Black and White Gray Tone in My Print Creation


    Between black and white woodcut in creation, the theme and background need to change the lightness of and enables the creation theme and full of unique charm. How to use black and white woodcut of black, the difference between white and gray tones to reasonable performance of the screen, is the key to successful creation of the black-and-white woodcut works. And the creator can will be in the minds of the conception and sketch the images into black-and-white woodcut, need to continue to explore the "black and white ash" tone of the formation rules, thus creating a rich personal characteristics of the print works. The graduation creation and a series of practice process, and the combination of art theory, aesthetics, psychology and other aspects of knowledge to research Investigate black-and-white woodcut painting "black and white ash" note formation rules and methods. Thus, in grasping the foundation of theoretical knowledge, linking theory with practice, their own ideas into the graduation creation, to create a rich personality of prints.

    Key Words: Black and white woodcut;  Ash;  Composing rules

    目  录

    摘  要


    目  录

    引  言 1

    一  从黑白木刻中黑白灰调子的美术理论方面说 2

    (一)黑白灰的定义 2

    (二)黑白灰的绘画含义 2

    二  黑白木刻中黑白灰概念的美学阐述 3

    三  从文艺心理学角度分析黑白木刻中的黑白灰 4

    四  结合我的版画作品,探讨黑白灰关系表现的具体方法 5

     (一)作品《黎明》黑白灰关系的表现 5

    (二)作品《博业徽州》黑白灰关系的表现 7

    参考文献 9



    一  从黑白木刻中黑白灰调子的美术理论方面说

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