
    摘要龚贤作为“金陵八家”之首,在明末清初的画坛上可谓是“独树一帜”,尤其是他在用墨方面更是与众不同,他造就的苍黑幽静的笔墨语言,形成了厚重秀润的独特画风。尤其是他的积墨法,更是前人不曾见过的。积墨法不仅仅是一种绘画技法,而且是一种手段。正如龚贤不仅通过积墨法来描绘大自然,而且通过它来表现自己对理想境界的追求,抒发心中臆气。其中《夏山过雨图》就正是“外师造化,中得心源”的代表作,他生动地把握了江南的景色并加以自己独特的笔墨语言,造就了一种特殊的境界,其画面景物苍翠繁密,浓郁生意,虽没有西方所谓的素描关系,即三大面五大调,但他用重重叠叠的笔墨也生动地刻画出了画中景物的关系,给人呈现出深沉的境界 ,同时也表现出他含蓄超然的气质。学习龚贤的积墨法难点就在于对笔墨度的掌握,积墨是层层积染,一遍一遍地复加淡墨完成的,不求黑而求润。正是这种不焦不燥的绘画吸引了很多人,产生了诸如黄宾虹、李可染等大师,开创了画坛新风。本文就着重探讨龚贤山水画的笔墨并结合他的代表作《夏山过雨图》来探讨龚贤山水画“厚”的艺术特色。49391

    毕业论文关键词:龚贤; 笔墨; 艺术追求; 积墨法

    Thick with carrier way  through the summerhill rain figure "w.k.che Gong Xian landscape painting artistic features of thick


    Gong Xian as first of "jinling eight" in the late Ming dynasty painting is "unique", especially in ink is different, he make CangHei quiet ink language, form the unique style of heavy show embellish. Especially his JiMo method, but also our predecessors had never seen. JiMo method is not only a kind of painting techniques, but also is a kind of means. As Gong Xian not only from JiMo method to describe the nature, and through it to show their pursuit of an ideal, express heart chest. One of the summerhill rain figure "is" the heart source outside nature, "the masterpiece, he mastered the jiangnan vividly and its own unique scenery of the pen and ink language, has created a special state, its scenery picture green brilliance, strong business, no so-called western sketch relations, namely three five major bedding face, but he finally ink also vividly depict the relationship between painting scenery, to present a deep level, but also showed his implicit detached temperament. Learning Gong Xian JiMo method, the difficulty lies in the grasp of the degree of ink, JiMo is layer upon layer dye, over and over again after adding light ink, not black and embellish. It is this not the focal dry painting attracted a lot of people, the masters, such as huang, Li Keran started painting a trend. This article will focus on the ink of Gong Xian landscape painting and combined with his masterpiece "the summerhill rain figure" to explore the artistic features of Gong Xian landscape painting "thick". 

     Key Words: Gong Xian  writing  spirit  Mexican Law

     目  录






    (一)师造化  师古人-1

    (二)画中之景  心中之境-2



    (二)丰厚华滋的墨气- -3


    一  综述


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