


    Design and Research on the functions of the office chair

    Abstract: Today's society, people's lives more and more pressure, especially the office group, every day there will be three four points spent in an office chair in the office of the time, so if there is an office chair, not only can slow down their fatigue, relax their body and mind, also can ensure their work efficiency words, will get their favorite. This paper takes office owners demand for office chair to study, from the user, product and environment, carried out specific research from the office chair at present market and practical function. Through a planned extensive market survey on the current situation of office chair, office chair and with the company, based on the investigation of the target user, detailed analysis of the various factors of multi-functional office chair, refining the design elements, and use of user-centered method, through market research method, research method user survey, summed up the office workers to demand products. On the basis of the above, the integration of the office demand for office chair, structuring the design elements that meet the demand of multi-functional office chair, finally, the product function and ergonomics knowledge design positioning multifunctional office chair clear. The research on innovation design feasibility in the office chair product function. From the current situation can be seen, office chair a perfect will in future be office owners recognized.

    Key Word: The office group;Slow fatigue;need;man-machine engineering;product function

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