
    摘  要:在办公空间设计中,色彩起着改变环境氛围和创造格调的作用,合理的色彩搭配不仅能给在其中工作与生活的人们带来视觉和艺术上的享受,还能起到一定的提高工作效率和缓释压力的作用。当一个人步入陌生空间环境时,他最先接收到的信息便是空间的颜色,其次才是形体。在进行物喜食材办公空间设计时,我认为和谐而美好的色彩不仅是设计环节中不可或缺的一部分,还是体现公司理念,美化环境的精髓所在。每种颜色都有其独特的寓意,对心理造成的影响也各不相同,掌控好空间色彩中的面积、冷暖、明暗、远近等对比关系显得尤为重要。恰当的运用冷暖对比、面积配置、色彩情感以及各种配色手法,改善人们的情绪,使人产生审美愉悦。有计划、有目的地将办公空间色彩环境寓意展现给用户,创造出具有亲切感的色彩环境,营造出宜人舒适的办公空间。57185



    In interior design, color plays a role in creating style and the changes of environment, reasonable color collocation can not only to bring art and visual enjoyment in the work and life of people, but also to some improve work efficiency and release pressure. When a person into a strange space environment, he first received the information is the color of space, followed by the body. Therefore, in the design of office space, harmonious and beautiful color is an integral part of the design process. Each color has its own unique meaning, the impact on the psychological effects are not the same, the control of the space in the color of the area, changes in temperature, light and shade, distance and so on is particularly important. The first impression of a person entering a space in the first few seconds is the impression of the color, and then the seventy-five percent to understand the form.Appropriate use of warm and cold contrast, area configuration, color emotion and a variety of color matching techniques, improve people's mood, make people produce aesthetic pleasure. Have a plan, the destination will be the office space color environment to show to the user, create a sense of color environment, and create a pleasant and comfortable office space.

    Key words: Office space,Decoration, environmental color 

    目  录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目  录 III

    绪  论 1

    1  色彩与环境和心理的关系 2

    2  办公空间性质与形式分类 3

    3  物喜办公空间中的色彩对环境作用分析 4

    结 束 语 5

    参考文献 6

    致  谢 7

    绪  论




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