    摘要:色彩是信息的外在表现之一. 是时尚的灵魂和精髓,是视觉中最响亮的语言,对于事物的表现力有着其他任何方式都无法比拟的超强效果,没有色彩的作品是没有生命力的.色彩在人们的视觉中起着先声夺人的作用,远看色彩近看花,无论是一件艺术品,一件商品,还是一套时装,让人先入为主的首先是色彩,其次才是款式和用料.同时流行色也是具有心理学特征的时尚现象.因为色彩本身就是有个性的色彩,人们对于色彩的偏好往往都带有许多心理上的折射,它也是时代的内涵在人们心理上的投影与写照.本设计以向日葵形象为学生文具包装主题,抓住人的爱好和心理特征,利用色彩丰富的元素进行文具包装设计,从而达到色彩在文具包装设计中时尚感的表现。8169
       关键词:文具; 色彩; 包装设计
    Analysis of color elements in stationery packing design fashion sense
    Abstract: Color is one of the external expression of the information. It is soul and quintessence of fashion, is the most powerful language of vision, who has strong effect in any other way are incomparable for things expressive force, no color works is not viable. Color plays a lead role in people's vision, far see color in flowers, whether it is a piece of art, a product, or a set of clothes, let a person first impressions are strongest in the first is the color, then the styles and materials. The fashion phenomenon and fashion color also has the psychological characteristics. Because the color itself is a personality color, people's preference for color often have many psychological the refraction and reflection, projection connotation is also the time in people's psychological. The design of the sunflower image for the student stationery packaging theme, to seize people's interest and psychological characteristics, using the rich colors of stationery packing design elements, so as to achieve a sense of color in fashion stationery packaging design in the performance.
    Keywords: stationery;color;package design
    摘要     1
    绪论     3
    一、    色彩对于时尚感的重要性    4
    (1)时尚是设计的重要推动  4
    (2)时尚在设计中的表现形式    4
          1、时尚表现一种设计中的表现形式    4
    2、时尚表现某种设计元素    4
    二、盒型研究与理论、设计方向   4
    (1)色彩元素的应用与实践研究    4
    (2)设计方向与成型效果      5
      三、色彩元素和文具包装的关系     6
          (1)色彩元素和文具包装的关系    6
          (2)色彩元素对文具包装中所起的作用    6
    四、时尚文具包装设计思路     6
    (1)文化用品的构思过程    6
    (2)色彩设计的构思过程    7
    (3)运用软件合成制作过程  7
    四、结论   8
    参考文献   9
    致谢   9
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