    毕业论文关键词: 扑热息痛片;最佳处方;崩解度;溶出度;玉米淀粉
    Experimental study of disintegrating agents in Paracetamol tablets
    Abstract: Paracetamol, an effective analgesia-antipyretic drug with few side effects, is widely used around the world. In this paper, cross-linked polyvinyl pyrrolidone, carboxymethyl starch sodium, corn starch were chosen as the disintegrating agents to prepare paracetamol tablets by the mean of wet granulation, and do quality inspection for these tablets, including appearance,  tablet weight variation, hardness, friability, disintegration and dissolution rate, and the formulas were screen by disintegration time and dissolution rate. The results showed that the tablets with corn starch as disintegrating agent have the shortest disintegration time, high dissolution rate, excellent appearance, suitable hardness and friability. It is the best formula to prepare paracetamol tablets.
    Key Words: paracetamol tablets; the best prescription; disintegration; dissolution rate; starch
    1 研究背景    1
    1.1 扑热息痛介绍    1
    1.2 扑热息痛片研究意义    1
    1.3 扑热息痛药理作用    1
    1.4 扑热息痛制剂    2
    1.4.1 分散片    2
    1.4.2 口腔崩解片    3
    1.4.3 注射剂    3
    1.4.4 软膏剂    3
    1.4.5 缓释制剂    3
    1.5 扑热息痛市场分析和发展趋势    3
    1.5.1 扑热息痛的国际市场分析    3
    1.5.2 扑热息痛的国内市场分析    4
    2 片剂的单元操作    5
    2.1 粉碎    5
    2.2 筛分    5
    2.3 混合    5
    2.4 制粒    5
    2.5 干燥    5
    2.6 整粒与混合    5
    2.7 压片    5
    3 片剂类型和常用辅料    7
    3.1 片剂种类    7
    3.2片剂常用辅料    7
    3.2.1 填充剂    7
    3.2.2 黏合剂和润湿剂    8
    3.2.3 崩解剂    8
    3.2.4 润滑剂    9
    3.3 辅料选用原则    9
    4 其他扑热息痛片剂型    10
    4.1 分散片    10
    4.2 扑热息痛口崩片    10
    4.3 扑热息痛缓释片    11
    5 实验材料与内容    12
    5.1 实验试剂与仪器    12
    5.1.1 实验试剂    12
    5.1.2 实验仪器    12
    5.1.3 其他实验仪器    12
    5.2 药物处方    12
    5.3 对乙酰氨基酚片剂制备工艺    13
    5.4 对乙酰氨基酚片的质量检验    13
    5.4.1 外观    13
    5.4.2 片重差异    13
    5.4.3 硬度    14
    5.4.4 脆碎度    14
    5.4.5 崩解度    14
    5.4.6 溶出度    14
    6 实验结果    15
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