    Design of circuit of rapid heating type electric water heater
    Abstract: The AT89C51 single-chip design is used as the controller of the electric hot water heater, the design of hardware, software design description.
    The hardware includes the heating control circuit, temperature detection circuit, LED digital tube and indicating lamp display design, circuit, driving circuit and alarm, for example, is detected by a thermistor to the water heater outlet temperature; temperature / frequency conversion circuit through the singlechip to detect indirectly measured temperature; with the microcontroller through the optocoupler SCR trigger signal to, control thyristor conduction angle, and control the effective electric wire heating power; relay to control the heating power, the reliable turn-off in the shutdown and over-temperature protection under the condition of 105 ℃; with a fuse in series in the relay coil circuit to prevent too high temperature heating dry.
    The software design part of the program flow chart is given, including the main program design, display scanning subroutine design, keyboard scanning subroutine design, heating and control flow chart of the program design, temperature detection program design, frequency test program design. The software is programmed in keil C language, and use Proteus to simulate.    
    Keywords: SCM;rapid heating type; electric water heater;circuit;flow chart
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    选题目的和意义    1
    1.1.1    即热式电热水器的概念    1
    1.1.2    即热式电热水器的优点    2
    1.1.3    国内外发展情况    3
    1.1.4    即热式电热水器与普通电热水器的区别    4
    1.1.5    即热式电热水器的市场现状    5
    1.1.6    即热式电热水器的发展前景    6
    1.2    即热式电热水器设计的基本内容    7
    1.2.1    设计内容    7
    1.2.2    功能要求    7
    1.3    课题的来源    8
    2    即热式电热水器电路设计的原理    9
    2.1    即热式电热水器设计方案    9
    2.2    单片机的组成及特点    10
    2.2.1    单片机的组成    10
    2.2.2    单片机的特点    10
    2.3    单片机AT89C51介绍    11
    2.3.1    AT89C51主要特性    12
    2.4    编程与仿真软件介绍    12
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