    关键字    大容量电动机  全压启动  自耦变压器降压启动  软启动   电网
    Title   Research on Large-capacity Motor Start-up Mode and the Impact on the Grid                                
    Today,large.capacity motors are widely used in the power industry,the motor starting is the foundation of all our work,and is bound to cause voltage fluctuations distribution systems,especially large capacity motor starting,s the bus voltage drop cause main impact on the performance of the grid by the start time.Therefore,the pressure drop in the engineering design of the power supply system when the motor starts should be carefully accounted for,so that we can choose the most reliable and most economical way to start and the power supply system correctly.In this paper,i use two kinds of simulation software,MATLAB and PSCAD,to establish the the electricity network of three starting ways,full pressure start-up mode,autotransformer reduced voltage start-up mode,start-up mode. to simulate the instant the motor starts.I analysis and compare the waveform and data of speed, torque, current, bus voltage,to observe the grid voltage changes at this grid investigation point.Thus summed up that,the start-up current is too large and the grid will be impacted greatly when full pressure start mode .the grid will have a great impact.So we can conclude that full pressure and soft-start two start mode can improve the startup performance.
    Keywords  large capacity motor  full voltage starting  autotransformer starting  soft starting   grid
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究的目的和意义    1
    1.2  研究现状    1
    1.3  本文的主要工作内容    2
    2  理论分析启动方式对相关地点电压的影响    3
    2.1  全压启动    3
    2.2  自耦变压器降压启动    4
    2.3  软启动    5
    2.4  启动方式的选择    6
    2.5  本章小结    7
    3  建立电动机仿真模型,分析动态过程及其影响    8
    3.1  全压启动    8
    3.2  自耦变压器降压启动    14
    3.3  软启动    18
    3.4  对以上三种启动方式的相关量进行比较分析    23
    3.5  本章小结    24
    4  对大容量电动机启动系统进行压降理论计算    25
    4.1  大容量电动机系统启动理论分析    25
    4.2  电动机启动系统电压降落的理论计算    26
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