    摘要温度测量的领域十分广泛,不仅在工农业领域,而且在民用领域、军用领域,温度的测量随处可见。本论文完成了基于430单片机为核心的多路温度监测系统设计,主要完成多路温度采集系统的硬件设计工作,同时编写核心芯片的软件控制程序,完成采集温度,以及与上位机通信的任务。首先,通过IARC430编译器,利用C语言编写核心芯片程序。然后,利用proteus进行硬件仿真,以验证程序的可行性。最后,使用Altium Designer 09完成原理图,PCB的绘制。最终完成了核心芯片控制程序的编写和验证,以及PCB板的设计。19362
    关键词: MSP430单片机   温度采集  DS18B20  PCB
    Title Multi-channel temperature acquisition system  Hardware dedign based on MSP430 single chip microcomputer                            
    Temperature measurement,utilized everywhere,not only in the field of agriculture and industry, but also in civilian areas, military areas.This project will complete Multi-channel temperature acquisition system  Hardware design based on MSP430, mainly to complete the hardware design  part of this system.In the meantime, core chip software control program was wrote to complete the temperature acquisition,as well as the task of communication with computer.First of all, C language was used to write the software program through IARC430 compiler.And then, the feasibility of this program was verified by proteus hardware simulation.in the last , Schematics, Printed Circuit Board and 3DPCB were completed through Altium Designer 09.Finally, core chip control program was completed and verified by proteus,the task of PCB design also was completed.
    Keywords: MSP430SCM  temperature acquisition  DS18B20  PCB
    1 引言    1
    1.1 温度采集的意义    1
    1.2 温度采集系统的发展状况    1
    1.3 课题背景    1
    1.3.1 微处理器的发展    1
    1.3.2 温度传感器的发展    1
    1.3.3 单片机串行通信接口技术的发展    2
    1.4 课题目的    2
    1.5 课题总体方案设计    2
    2 硬件设计    4
    2.1 Altium designer 软件介绍    4
    2.1.1 概述    4
    2.1.2 主要功能    4
    2.1.3 主要特点    4
    2.2 原理图设计    5
    2.2.1 MSP430F149单片机最小系统    5
    2.2.2 JTAG仿真接口    7
    2.2.3 电源输入    7
    2.2.4 通信接口电路    8
    2.2.5 温度采集电路    9
    2.3 PCB设计    10
    2.3.1 PCB简介    10
    2.3.2 PCB元件布局规则    13
    2.3.3 PCB布线规则    11
    2.3.4 PCB电路图    15
    2.3.5 PCB 3D视图    15
    3 软件设计    17
    3.1 IARC430简介    17
    3.2 温度采集程序设计    17
    3.2.1 DS18B20芯片初始化    18
    3.2.4 读DS18B20芯片ROM序列号    19
    3.2.5 温度采集主程序设计    20
     3.2.6 温度采集程序仿真验证    21
    3.3 MSP430单片机与PC通信部分程序设计    22
    3.3.1 总体实现方案    22
    3.3.2 RS485通信协议简介    22
    3.3.3 通信方式    22
    3.3.4 通信格式    22
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