    关键词: 牵引变电站;主接线;变压器;短路电流
    Design of medium voltage traction substation
    Abstract: Since 1980s, our country has made great progress in electrified railway. As an important component of the electrified railway power supply system, electricity substation has a direct impact on the entire power system’s security and economy, used as intermediate links to connect power plants and users. It plays an important role in the transform on and distribution of electric energy. Electrical wiring is the main link of the main substation, also, the main electrical wiring directly is related to the development of the entire electrical substation.
    This thesis introduces the structure and connection modes of single-phase traction substation. Firstly, it selects the capacity of the main transformer through the calculation of load, meanwhile, it presents the connection mode of the main transformer in detail. Calculating short-current is the key of the thesis, and breakers, isolating switch, voltage transformer, current transformer are selected according to the results of calculation.
    Key words:  Traction substation; Electrical wiring; Transformer; Short-circuit current
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题研究背景    1
    1.2 本课题的研究目的及意义    1
    1.3 电气化铁路国内外现状    1
    1.4 牵引变电站    2
    1.4.1 电力牵引的电流制    2
    1.4.2 我国牵引变电站主要类型    3
    1.4.3 牵引变电站的供电方式    4
    1.5小结    4
    2 牵引变电站的主结线的选择    5
    2.1 高压侧电气主结线的基本形式    5
    2.2 牵引负荷侧电气结线特点    7
    2.3 电气主结线方案的分析    8
    2.4 牵引变电站主接线图    9
    2.5 小结    9
    3 牵引变电所变压器的选择    10
    3.1 牵引变压器的分类    10
    3.1.1 单相联结牵引变电所    10
    3.1.2 单相V,v牵引变电所    10
    3.1.3 三相V,v联结牵引变电所    10
    3.1.4 三相联结牵引变压器    11
    3.2 牵引变压器选择的分析    11
    3.2.1 选择原则    11
    3.2.2 牵引变压器的接线方式和台数的确定    11
    3.2.3 牵引变压器安装容量的确定和选择    11
    3.3 小结    14
    4 短路电流计算    15
    4.1 短路电流计算的目的    15
    4.2 短路点的选取    15
    4.3 短路计算    15
    4.3.1 110kV侧短路电流计算    16
    4.3.2 27.5kV侧短路电流计算    16
    4.4 短路电流计算结果汇总    17
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