    毕业论文关键字:地铁车辆  编组  传动  选型
    Metro vehicle scheme and selection of the traction drive system analysis of Shanghai metro line 16
    Abstract:Along with the rapid development of science and technology and a surge in urban traffic demand,urban rail transit in more and more significant roles in People's Daily life.Subway is an investment, more difficult, long duration, wide range of a complicated system engineering.The construction of the subway system from two aspects of track and vehicle and combining with the actual situation of urban comprehensive consideration, according to the graduation design task, mainly discusses in the design of Shanghai metro line 16 metro vehicle scheme and the selection of the traction drive system problems.
    This article mainly includes two aspects: the content of the analysis of the metro vehicle selection basis, Shanghai metro line 16 as example for analysis of metro vehicle selection, from the theory with practice for metro vehicle marshalling plan and traction drive system selection of analysis and calculation.Through access to relevant information, discussion and analysis of 16 line subway vehicle transmission way, and in the back by traction calculation, choose the suitable for Shanghai metro line 16 way of marshalling and transmission mode.
    Keywords: metro vehicle, marshalling, drive, selection
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 问题的提出    1
    1.1.1 国外城市轨道交通的发展    1
    1.1.2 我国城市轨道交通发展    2
    1.2 国内外地铁系统    4
    1.2.1 国外地铁    4
    1.2.2 国内地铁    5
    1.3 本次毕业设计的研究内容及预期目标    6
    2 地铁车辆概述    7
    2.1 地铁车辆的基本组成    7
    2.2 地铁车辆的主要技术参数    8
    2.2.1 地铁车辆性能参数    8
    2.2.2 地铁车辆的主要尺寸    9
    2.2.3 地铁车辆限界简介    9
    3 地铁车辆的选型    11
    3.1 地铁车辆的选型条件及依据    11
    3.1.1 专题研究的必要性    11
    3.1.2 车辆选型主要原则    11
    3.2 国内几种通用车型简介    12
    3.3 三类车型对客流的适应性    15
    4 地铁16号线选型及编组方案分析    16
    4.1 上海地铁16号线车型及编组选择    16
    4.2 上海地铁16号线车辆的牵引传动选型    18
    5 上海地铁16号线的牵引计算    19
    5.1 地铁车辆的牵引计算    19
    5.1.1 牵引电机功率的计算    19
    5.1.2 牵引合力曲线解算    21
    5.2 不同编组方案的起动加速能力分析    24
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