    毕业论文关键词: 公共场所;安全疏散;buildingEXODUS;CA
    Simulation and experiment study on occupant evacuation based on buildingEXODUS module
    Abstract:With the development of society and the advancement of technology, all of our people have been clearly aware of safety concept and they try their best to keep their life and property safe. But there are always so many accidents happening in public gathering places home and abroadeveryday. Therefore, the problem which is safe evacuation of public gathering places has gradually drew our more and more attention. Since 20th century, safety in public gathering places has received effective guarding after the great leap in global evacuation technology. The article begins with the development and current situation of safe evacuation in public gathering places all around world. The advanced evacuation modules and technology are really impressive after comparison and analysis, and the disadvantages among Chinese evacuation study are obvious. Also, from simpleness to complexity, to find out how exit quantity, exit location, human density, etc influence evacuation time,several simulations for some buildings by buildingEXODUS &CA module have been made. Finally, to study the relation between building’s exit structure and safe evacuation, some functional images have been drew with Origin supporting.

    KeyWords: Public gathering places; Safe evacuation; buildingEXODUS; CA
    目 录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 研究背景    1
    1.1.1当前应急疏散形势    1
    1.1.2我国应急疏散发展过程及现状    1
    1.1.3国外应急疏散发展过程及现状    2
    1.2 研究内容及目的    3
    1.3 章节安排    4
    2 疏散模拟理论介绍    5
    2.1 疏散的基本理论    5
    2.2 EXODUS模型    5
    2.2.1 buildingEXODUS疏散模拟理论基础    5
    2.2.2 buildingEXODUS疏散模拟软件    7
    2.3 元胞自动机模型    8
    2.3.1 元胞自动机模型简介    8
    2.3.2 元胞自动机操作步骤    9
    3 buildingEXODUS基本模拟    10
    3.1 随机实验误差    10
    3.2 单个出口基本模拟    10
    3.3 单个出口不同人员密度基本模拟    11
    3.4 两个出口基本模拟    13
    3.5 改变出口大小基本模拟    14
    3.6 改变出口位置基本模拟    15
    3.7 人为分布和随机分布基本模拟    16
    4建筑出口结构对疏散的影响    18
    4.1 本章中相关参量的规定    18
    4.2  d与q,Q,t的关系研究    18
    4.2.1 算例1    18
    4.2.2 算例2    21
    4.3 f与q的关系研究    24
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