    摘要近几年来,嵌入式系统因其性能好、成本低等特点得到了广泛的应用。但是,由于需兼顾空间、功耗等制约因素,所以嵌入式系统本身的调试资源和手段有限,因此借助网络技术构建嵌入式系统的测试/调试平台具有较大的实际应用价值。本文面向嵌入式系统测试/调试需求, 设计了基于无线通信技术的可视化测试平台的通信层和数据层软件。软件利用多线程技术与C++语言,采用 TCP/IP 协议和 UDP 协议相结合的通信方式,实现了对局域网中节点进行通信管理、收发数据等功能;设计了数据在内存中的存储格式;采用双缓存机制,实现了节点基本信息和数据的存储,满足了应用层对数据的需求。22524
    关键词 测试平台 套接字 多线程 双缓存
    Title The Development Of Visible Testing Platform Based On
    Wireless Communication---- The Design Of Wireless Communication
    Interface And Database
    Embedded system has been widely used due to its good performance, and low
    cost in the recent years. However, it is very hard to debug the embedded
    system because of its restriction on space and power consumption. So
    developing a platform for embedded system debugging is of great value.
    To meet the requirement of embedded system’s debugging, a visible testing
    platform based on wireless communication is introduced in this paper. Main
    jobs of this paper focus on the development of the communication layer and
    data layer. Using the multithreading technology and C++ language, the
    program, such as nodes management, data sending and receiving are achieved
    with both TCP/IP protocol and UDP protocol. The format of data storing in
    the memory is designed, and the double buffer mechanism is used for storing
    node’s basic information and data in the data layer to meet the demands
    of interface layer.
    Finally, a simulate client program is designed in this paper. This software
    has been proved to be effective with the interface program in the simulation
    of the whole software system.
    Keywords testing platform socket multithread double buffer mechanism目 次
    1 引言..1
    1.1 研究背景..1
    1.2 发展现状..1
    1.3 研究内容及章节安排2
    2 技术基础简介.3
    2.1 socket简介3
    2.2 TCP/IP协议简介.4
    2.3 UDP协议简介.5
    2.4 多线程技术简介..6
    3 总体设计方案.8
    3.1 应用目标..8
    3.2 软件总体结构分析.8
    3.3 本章小结11
    4 数据层的详细设计12
    4.1 数据存储形式以及相互关联.12
    4.2 数据接口函数定义..14
    4.3 本章小结16
    5 通信层的详细设计17
    5.1 帧格式.17
    5.2 通信层详细设计20
    5.3 CRC校验.27
    5.4 各线程同步问题28
    5.5 本章小结29
    6 模拟客户端设计及软件功能测试30
    6.1 模拟客户端程序概述.30
    6.2 软件功能测试.31
    6.3 软件基本显示界面..32
    6.4 本章小结33
    结 论..34
    致 谢..35
    参考文献.361 引言
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