    摘要: 作为一种新的媒体,LED显示屏的运动发光图文更容易吸引人的注意力,其信息量大,更新及时,有着非常好的广告和告示效果。以LED显示屏为主体的信息公告系统和广播系统,如列车到发公告、票务公告、信息公告等共同构成城市轨道交通客运枢纽的自动化系统,成为中国轨道交通技术发展和改造的重要内容。
    本文设计了一个基于单片机的地铁车站 LED 电子公告牌系统。控制单元采用STC89C52 单片机,以锁存器 74HC164、锁存器 74HC595 分别作为行选、列选(位选、段选)驱动电路芯片,实现了 LED点阵显示屏、数码管的静态显示、动态显示和滚动显示等功能。本文首先在Proteus对系统进行了仿真,然后制作出了实际系统。实验结果表明,本文的设计思路和实现方法完全可行。 22584
    毕业论文关键词: 公告牌;单片机;锁存器;8×8 LED 点阵屏;7段 LED 数码管 
    Subway Station Electronic Bulletin Board System
    Abstract:As a new media, LED luminous graphic display movement easier attract attention,
    the large amount of information, updated in a timely manner, has a very good advertising and
    notices effects.  The LED display as the main information systems and radio announcements
    systems such as trains to send announcements, ticket announcements, announcements and other
    information together constitute urban rail passenger hub automation systems, has become an
    important content of China's rail transportation technology development and transformation. 
    In this paper, the design of the subway station LED electronic bulletin board system based
    microcontroller. STC89C52 MCU control unit uses to latch 74HC164, 74HC595 latch selected
    as the row, column selection, respectively (Choice, selected segment) driver circuit chip to
    achieve a LED dot matrix display, digital display static, dynamic display and scrolling display
    Firstly, the Proteus system simulation, and then create a real system. Experimental results show
    that the design and implementation of the method in this paper is completely feasible. 
    KeyWords:SCM;latch;8×8  LED dot matrix display;7-segment LED
    1  绪论 . 1
    1.1  本文的目的和意义   1
    1.2  国内外研究现状   1
    1.2.1  产业初具规模   1
    1.2.2  技术相对领先技术   2
    1.3  发展趋势   2
    1.3.1  高亮度、全彩化   2
    1.3.2  标准化、规范化   2
    1.3.3  产品结构多样化   2
    1.3.4  节能环保成为LED 显示屏的发展趋势   2
    1.4  本文主要工作与内容安排   3
    2  硬件电路设计  4
    2.1  系统设计原理   4
    2.2  系统总体框图   5
    2.2.1  单片机最小系统   5
    2.3  发光二极管LED   9
    2.3.1  发光二极管的结构  .  10
    2.3.2  发光二极管好坏的识别  .  10
    2.3.3  发光二极管正负的识别  .  11
    2.3.4  发光二极管驱动电路  .  11
    2.4  直流稳压电源  .  12
    2.5  电源指示灯电路  .  13
    2.6  8×8 LED 点阵显示屏电路   13
    2.6.1  LED 点阵显示屏的简介    13
    2.6.2  LED 点阵显示屏的结构    14
    2.6.3  LED 点阵显示屏的I/O 口静态驱动电路    15
    2.7  7段 LED 数码管电路  .  16
    2.7.1  LED 数码管的简介    16
    2.7.2  LED 数码管的结构    16
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