    毕业论文关键词: 太阳能;半导体;制冷;蓄电池
    Design of Semiconductor Refrigerator
    Abstract:Being confronted with the decreasingly natural resources and the environmental problems, making efficient use of solar energy resources has become one of the powerful means of sustainable development. But in the current new refrigeration field, semiconductor refrigeration technology, as a kind of new technique that uses thermoelectric materials to get cooling, has an incomparable superiority to traditional refrigeration way, in the current energy shortage, power shortage situation, combining the solar power generation and semiconductor refrigeration technology, developing solar semiconductor refrigeration technology has important practical significance. This topic is based on this background, combines the solar energy and semiconductor refrigeration, designs a portable solar power semiconductor refrigerating cabinet, in hot weather, it can be needed for a small amount of medicine or food to frozen at low temperature. This paper is conducted to design a semiconductor refrigeration box based on the thesis topic, mainly consists of three systems: Power supply system,   Semiconductor refrigeration system, Control system. Besides, the power storage batteries should meet the requirements, regardless of whether there is plenty of sunshine, the refrigerator can work 24 hours daily.
    Key Words: Solar energy; Semiconductor; Refrigeration; Storage battery 
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题研究背景    1
    1.2 半导体制冷技术的历史及其发展    1
    1.3 本课题的研究内容、目标和意义    3
    2 半导体制冷原理及分析    5
    2.1 半导体制冷器的热电效应    5
    2.2 半导体制冷工作原理    5
    2.3 半导体制冷的特性分析    7
    2.4 本章小结    9
    3 太阳能半导体制冷    10
    3.1 太阳能半导体制冷原理及其应用    10
    3.2 太阳能半导体制冷性能主要因素    11
    3.2.1 太阳能电池的结构及其原理    11
    3.2.2 影响光伏电池效率的因素    12
    3.2.3 太阳能电池的发展历史及趋势    14
    3.3 本章小结    15
    4 制冷箱实验样机的制作与测试    16
    4.1 小型制冷箱系统设计    16
    4.2 供电系统    17
    4.2.1 太阳能光伏电池板    17
    4.2.2 太阳能光伏发电控制器    18
    4.2.3 蓄电池    19
    4.2.4 硅二极管    20
    4.3 制冷系统    21
    4.3.1 半导体制冷芯片的选择    22
    4.3.2 冷热端散热系统的设计    23
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