    本论文首先分析了国内外无线监测网络研究与应用情况,选择了适用于火灾自动报警系统的ZigBee无线监测网络,选择CC2530基于2.4-GHz 和ZigBee 协议芯片,建立成本低、强大的无线网络。。然后介绍了虚拟仪器的技术背景和LabVIEW的特点,应用LabVIEW虚拟仪器开发了火灾监控平台。应用LabVIEW开发的无线火灾自动报警系统能够实现对N个监控区域的实时监测,以及温度、火焰、烟雾的采集和超阈值的报警,最后进行报警。虽然本次设计的无线火灾自动报警系统能够实现要求,但是还是存在一些有待完善的地方,所以文章的最后对该系统提出了一些改善的方法,并对它的发展作出了展望。23744
    毕业论文关键词: LabVIEW;无线报警;ZigBee;CC2530
    Device of an Aear Wireless Alarm Based on LabVIEW
    Abstract:What is a wireless fire alarm system ? The wireless fire alarm system could find fire timely,start other fire-fighting equipments,and control fire detecting, alarming and extinguishing automatic. So wireless fire alarm system plays an important role in modern security building.
    This article first analyzes the research and application of wireless monitoring network at Domestic and foreign , chose for the automatic fire alarm system ZigBee wireless monitoring network , select CC2530 chip which based on the 2.4-GHz and ZigBee protocol. The design creates a low cost, wireless network. Then introduces the characteristics of virtual instrument technology background and LabVIEW, LabVIEW virtual instrument applications developed fire monitoring platform. LabVIEW applications developed wireless automatic fire alarm system can achieve real-time monitoring of N- monitored area , as well as temperature, flame , smoke collection and super-threshold alarms , and finally the police. Although the design of the wireless fire alarm system requirements can be achieved , but there are some areas to be improved , so in the end the system of the article presents some methods of improvement , and made the prospects of its development .
    Keywords:  LabVIEW; wireless alarm; ZigBee; CC2530
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题的研究意义与背景    1
    1.2 火灾报警系统的研究现状    2
    1.2.1 火灾报警系统的发展    2
    1.2.2 火灾报警系统的研究现状    2
    1.2.3 国内外火灾报警系统存在的问题    2
    2 ZigBee无线火灾信号传输技术    4
    2.1 ZigBee简介    4
    2.1.1 ZigBee技术的特点    4
    2.1.2 ZigBee技术与其他无线技术对比    5
    2.1.3 ZigBee协议的构架    6
    2.1.4 ZigBee网络拓补结构    7
    2.1.5 ZigBee技术的发展应用前景    7
    2.2 无线监测网络方案设计    8
    2.2.1 监测网络的布置原则    8
    2.2.2 监测网络的组成    8
    2.3 无线火灾监测网络的总体设计    9
    2.3.1 监测网络总体结构    9
    2.3.2监测网络总体的设计    10
    2.4 本章小结    11
    3 虚拟仪器技术    12
    3.1  虚拟仪器测控技术及其发展    12
    3.2 虚拟仪器简介    12
    3.2.1 虚拟仪器的特点    12
    3.2.2 虚拟仪器的构成    14
    3.3 本章小结    14
    4 总体方案设计    15
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