    本文针对城轨交通运营安全模拟沙盘,利用 PIC 单片机开发分布式列车模型控制系统。首先介绍了列车模型控制系统的基本原理和系统构架,然后详述了调制器、解调器的软硬件设计,其中调制器存储模型列车的状态,产生出方波形的DCC电流控制信号,用于给轨道供电和传输控制信息。同时与上位机通过485总线通讯,接受上位机控制面板的控制。解码器解码DCC电流信号,控制相应的执行机构如列车电机、道岔扳动舵机和信号灯。最后基于MFC开发了基于MSComm串口空间的测试程序。23906
    关键词  安全运营  PIC  DCC  沙盘模拟  
    Title  The Hardware and Software Design of Model train control system                                      
    Rail transportation system has an irreplaceable position in modern public transportation system.At present, China's rail transportation is in an unprecedented period  of great development with people have high expectations and requirements. Operational safety is the foundation of  urban rail transit. Build urban rail transit operators security simulation sand table can simulate different types of accidents or hazardous environments,thus providing experience and technical support for the safe operation of urban rail transit, reduce or avoid accidents, reduce property damage and passenger danger in  practice.
    In this paper, sand table simulation for urban rail transit operation safety to use PIC microcontroller development of distributed model train control systems.Firstly, the basic principle and system architecture model train control system.Then details the modulator, demodulator hardware and software design.Which state modulator storage model trains, DCC current control signal to produce a square wave is used to track and transmit power control information.Simultaneously with the host computer via the communication bus 485, PC control receiver control panel. DCC decoder decodes the current signals to control the appropriate enforcement agency, such as the train motors, servos and lights pulled turnout. Finally, based on MFC developed based on MSComm space test program.
    Control system functions were verified in a test environment and sandbox, the results show that the developed control system with train control, control lights and turnouts meet the needs of urban rail traffic control simulation sandbox of operational safety.
    Keywords  Security Operations   PIC   DCC   Sand table simulation
    目   次  
    1  绪论 1
    1.1  课题简介 1
    1.2  目的与意义 1
    1.3  国内外研究现状 1
    1.4  结论 3
    2  列车模型控制场景的原理 3
    2.1  系统总体结构   4
    2.2  DCC信号标准   4
    2.3  列车控制   11
    2.4  信号灯到场控制 12
    3  调制器和解调器硬件设计  12
    3.1  单片机选型与485通讯原理 13
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