    毕业论文关键词:电压采集模块  LTC6802  SPI通信  
    Abstract   In the mining products, with the progress of the times and gradually replace the lithium battery lead-acid batteries and nickel-metal hydride batteries. However, when using lithium batteries there are several important questions: First, it overcharge or over discharge the battery to explode when that may occur, requiring good protection circuit with the use, so you can put an end to the problem of battery explosion; Secondly, in the course of lithium batteries may be due to the power imbalance reasons resulting in reduced battery life. The main content of this paper is to use STM32f103 microcontroller and LTC6802-1 lithium battery management chip protection. By The battery management module can achieve real-time detection of single-cell lithium battery voltage, thus ensuring the normal operation of lithium batteries.
    In this task design, primarily through the acquisition chip SPI communication with the master chip STM32to connect with 6802 , the system can simultaneously through real-time monitoring section eight lithium battery voltage accurately determine whether the cells are in over voltage or under voltage condition.
    Keywords: voltage acquisition module、 LTC6802 、SPI communication
     目 录
    1、绪论    3
    1.1 课题研究的背景    4
    1.2 国内外研究现状    4
    1.3课题研究内容    4
    1.4现有电压采集方案    5
    1.4.1共模测量法    5
    1.4.2差模测量法    5
    2、电池管理采集模块的硬件设计    6
    2.1 电池管理采集模块设计构思    6
    2.1.1 锂离子电池的工作原理及工作特性    6
    2.1.2 电池管理采集模块的基本结构    8
    2.2.1主控制芯片的选择    8
    3、电池管理采集模块的软件设计    14
    3.1    LTC6802芯片介绍    14
    3.1.1芯片介绍及特点    14
    3.1.4 LTC6802使用功能及工作原理    15
    3.1.5 LTC6802寄存器与控制命令    16
    3.1.6 LTC6802接口时序    16
    3.1.7 LTC6802指令说明及各层协议    16
    3.2    电池管理采集模块SPI通信设计    18
    3.2.1  SPI通信介绍    19
    3.3 电池管理采集模块程序代码    22
    3.3.1开发软件简介    22
    3.3.2主程序代码    22
    3.3.2 SPI通信初始化    23
    3.3.3编写配置寄存器    24
    3.3.4 LTC6802的A/D转换    25
    3.3.5电池管理模块读取电压寄存器    25
    4、实验检验以及结果分析    28
    4.1 实验目的    28
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