        文章首先从分析电压微分多闭环控制策略的理论基础入手,通过大量的仿真比较验证了该控制策略在改善逆变电源动态和稳态性能以及抑制输出电压谐波方面良好的性能。    对逆变电源输出滤波器进行了详细的研究。采用一种分离式的滤波器设
        文章针对逆变电源变压器的设计,控制系统的软硬件设计以及其他附属电路的设计进行了详细的研究,并以5kW , 400Hz中频逆变电源为例进行了具体的设计。控制系统采用了美国TI公司专们为基于控制而设计的
    毕业论文关键词:  逆变电源,SPWM,滤波器
    Research on high performance inverter power source
    Abstract:In this dissertation, a strong emphasis is paid on the study of maincircuit,
    control strategy and so on. Atthe  begin  of the  dissertation,  control
    strategy  is  analysed  for  improvingperformances of the
    interver in dynamic, steady-state and minishing harmoniouscomponent of the
    output voltage.
    Firstly, the theory of the voltage differential multiloop feedback strategy is
    analysed .Then a lot of simulation and comparision reaserch validate the excellent
    performances of the interver in dynamic, steady-state and minishing harmonious
    component of the output voltage.
    A particular study is paid on the deferent filter of the inverter.A segregative
    filter is adopted. Firstly, work out the filter parameter on the condition that ensures
    the stability.of the filter.Then modify the configuration and parameter on the idea
    of the controllability damp resonance. Simulations validate the good qualities in
    ensuring the  stability.of the  inverter when  load  is  changed  and minishing
    harmonious component of the output voltage.
    In the dissertation, particulatr designs are made on transformer, software and
    hardware of controlling system and other accessorial circuits.A SkW, 400Hz
    interver is designed as a practical illustration.  TMS320F240 is adopted in
    controlling system.F240 is designed by TI crop. for the control.
    Keywords: Interver power supply, SPWM, filter
    1绪论    5
    1.1 逆变电源概述    5
    1.2逆变电源结构及控制技术的发展和现状    6
    1.2.1恒频恒压逆变电源结构形式的发展    6
    1.2.2逆变电源控制技术的发展    6
    1.2. 3逆变电源的发展要求和存在的问题    8
    1.3本文的研究目的及主要研究内容    9
    1.3.1本文的研究目的    9
    1.3. 2本文研究的主要内容    9
    2 400Hz中频逆变电源的主电路    10
    2. 1系统的原理框图    10
    2. 2主电路的结构选择和参数设计    11
    2. 2.1主电路结构    11
    2.2.2输出滤波器的选择和参数设计    11
    2.3.1变压器铁芯尺寸计算公式    18
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