    摘要在智能电网背景下,智能变电站发展规模日益扩大, IEC61850是未来智能变电站数字化通信系统结构的国际标准,它的使用使得建模技术可以面向对象并具有面向未来的开放体系结构,它的目标是实现不同厂商生产设备之间的互操作性,它反映了智能变电站数字化通信的发展方向和趋势,引起国内外电力行业的广泛关注。
    本文中简单介绍了合并单元的功能,通过IEC618509-2通信协议、变电站中的实际运行情况等方面,分析了智能变电站合并单元的发展现状。主要是在NI CRIO 平台上采用LabVIEW对合并单元进行仿真及功能验证,最终实现合并单元的主要功能,在硬件平台上得到验证。最后对合并单元的发展进行了展望。25266
    关键词  智能变电站  IEC61850  合并单元
    Title  Intelligent Substation merging unit simulation device based on NI platform                 
    Under the background of the smart grid, the intelligent substation growing scale of development, IEC61850 is an international standard for digital communications system structure of intelligent substation in the future, which makes modeling techniques using object-oriented and have a future-oriented open architecture. Its goal is to achieve the interoperability between devices made by different manufacturers, which reflects the development direction and trend of intelligent digital substation communications, and cause wide attention of domestic and foreign power industry.
    This paper describes the functions of the merging unit, through the IEC61850 communication protocol, and the actual operation of the substation and other aspects, analyzes the development of intelligent substation merging unit.The LabVIEW of the NI CRIO platform is mainly used in simulation and functional verification of merging unit, and the main function of the merging unit is realized, also the hardware platform is verified.Finally, the development of the merging unit is prospected.
    Keywords  intelligent substation  IEC61850  merging unit
    目 录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  引言    1
    1.2  研究背景及意义    1
    1.2.1  智能电网简介    1
    1.2.2  智能变电站的定义    1
    1.3  国内外研究现状    2
    1.3.1  智能变电站合并单元的发展方向    3
    1.4  本文的研究工作    4
    1.5  本章小结    4
    2  智能变电站中合并单元功能研究    5
    2.1  IEC61850协议介绍    5
    2.1.1 IEC61850-9-2格式    5
    2.2  电子互感器简介    8
    2.3 合并单元的结构与功能    8
    2.4  合并单元的功能    9
    2.5合并单元的数字接口    10
    2.6  本章小结    10
    3  基于NI CRIO平台的硬件设计    11
    3.1  NI CRIO平台介绍    11
    3.2  硬件结构    11
    3.3  本章小结    12
    4  智能变电站合并单元软件设计    13
    4.1 软件设计总体框架    13
    4.2  具体软件模块设计    13
    4.2.1  配置模块    13
    4.2.2  组帧模块    14
    4.4  软件主要仿真成果展示    18
    4.5  本章小结    20
    5  全文总结    21
    致  谢    22
    参考文献    23
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