    摘要微电网(MG)可以被定义为一个LV网络(例如,小城市,购物中心,或者工业园区)通过增加负载和几个小模块化发电系统以连接到它,为当地的负载提供光和热。微电网的构成包括分布式电源、双向直流变换器、储能装置、控制系统和负荷,它的运行模式大致分为孤岛运行和并网运行。由于微电网的容量和惯性相对于公共电网来说较小,很容易受到负荷和微电源的影响,可能会使输出的电能出现不稳定性、网络潮流复杂、难以对系统准确控制和管理等情况。现有的储能形式中基于双向变换器的蓄电池储能以其技术成熟、成本低廉和可靠性高的优势成为目前微电网储能系统中应用较为广泛的技术。本文以基于双向变换器的蓄电池储能系统为研究对象,通过 仿真,研究其在微电网中的运行特性及对微电网的支撑作用。25377
    关键词  双向变换器  蓄电池储能系统  微电网
    Title     Characteristic research of the storage battery based on          bidirectional converter in micro grid                              
    A Micro Grid (MG) can be defined as an LV network (e.g., a small urban area, a shopping center, or an industrial park) plus its loads and several small modular generation systems connected to it, providing both power and heat to local loads.
    Micro grid is composed of micro power components, DC-DC converter, energy storage device, control system and load, it can run in the islanded operation or run in interconnected mode. Due to the micro grid capacity and inertia is relatively small, it is easily influenced by fluctuation from the load and distributed power , so there exists the power output of intermittent and volatility, the trend of complex network, relay protection and stability control problem.Among the existing storage forms ,the storage battery, based on bidirectional converter , includes advantages of its mature technology, low cost and high reliability ,is becoming the widest used technology in micro grid energy storage system.In this paper, i treat bidirectional converter based on battery energy storage system as the research object, study on its operation characteristics and supporting role in micro grid  through the   simulation.
    Keywords  Bidirectional converter    Battery energy storage system    Micro-Grid
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  选题的背景和意义    1
    1.2  微电网基本概念    2
    1.3  本文主要研究内容    5
    2  蓄电池储能研究概述    7
    2.1  蓄电池储能系统发展概况    7
    2.2  蓄电池储能系统对微电网的作用    7
    2.3  蓄电池储能系统充放电技术    7
    2.4  本章小结    9
    3  蓄电池储能系统主拓扑研究    10
    3.1  蓄电池充放电过程中的基本参数    10
    3.2  蓄电池充放电主拓扑    10
    3.3  双向变换器基本原理    11
    3.4  双向变换器 仿真    16
    3.5  本章小结    19
    4  微电源的建模与仿真    20
    4.1  光伏电池基本原理    20
    4.2  光伏阵列输出特性    22
    4.3  光伏阵列 仿真    22
    4.4  本章小结    24
    5  蓄电池储能系统建模与仿真    25
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