    关键词  固态图像传感器位移测量  固体火箭推进剂  侵蚀燃速   透明视窗发动机系统
    Title    The burning rate of erosion test system design                     
    This paper introduces a kind of displacement measurement system based on solid-state image sensor displacement measurement system of solid rocket propellant erosive burning rate measurement method.The test propellant specimens were fixed in the transparent window engine system(by the gas generator,the transparent window to the test section,the nozzle is composed of three parts).When the engine ignition, high temperature and high speed airflow generated by the gas generator into the test section will lit propellant samples.Flame retardant coated propellant samples in advance,leaving only one side in contact with the high temperature gas,so that the specimen along the surface normal direction of combustion.Through the transparent window and the optical system,the signal of propellant combustion (only light the gas channel)collect to the solid-state image sensor,solid-state image sensor convert it to electrical signal and output.The output signal after filtering,A/D conversion input into the computer for processing,and then get the propellant burning rate with time and pressure curve and the erosion function.
    Keywords  the solid-state image sensor displacement measurement  solid rocket propellant  erosive burning rate  transparent window engine system
    1  引言(或绪论)    1
    1.1  研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    1
    1.3  本文主要工作    5
    2  测试系统的组成及方案设计    6
    2.1   测试方案的设计    6
    2.2  测试系统的主要组成部分    7
    3  线阵CCD图像传感器位移测量系统的设计    11
    3.1  线阵CCD相机参数与型号的选配    11
    3.2  光学系统的设计    12
    4  燃气发生器与试验段发动机测量点压力实时监测系统的设计    16
    4.1  压力测量方法简介简介    16
    4.2  压力传感器参数与型号的选择    17
    5  试验数据采集系统的设计    20
    5.1  数据采集卡与计算机接口简介    20
    5.2  Camera Link接口类型    21
    5.3  数据采集卡    22
    5.4  试验点火设计说明    24
    6  视窗发动机的设计    28
    6.1 燃气发生器结构设计与校核    28
    6.2  试验段发动机的结构设计与校核    34
    6.3  试验段发动机视窗设计    39
    7  试验数据处理    41
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