    关键词 :铝箔靶  信号调理  数据处理  破片群速度
    Title  Aluminum foil target signal conditioning and data processing software design                                           
    In the evaluation of warhead’s performance in combat need to measure flying speed ,spread and attenuation of fragments after static and dynamic burst experiment .Aluminum foil target designed to be used for field measurements of velocity fragments group multi-channel signal conditioner. Design including the size and shape of the chassis design, board layout drawing, and PC data processing software to write. Power supply can be 220V power supply, can also be suitable for field work required, the use of dry battery, chassis panel can display the connection status of foil target, the output signal can be easily connected to the system and data acquisition, and deliver the pulse which is through the target to data acquisition system. With the multi-channel data acquisition system can easily capture multiple speed signal, the method of data collection by the direct recording output signal fragments over the target, or use artificial intelligence algorithms to identify desired measurement signal, instead of measuring instrument recorded between the two signals time interval, to achieve fragments measuring speed. the Pro/E as an engineering drawing software, and Protel using to draw the board, LabVIEW using in preparation of PC data handler are mainly used in design.
    Keywords :Aluminum foil target ,Signal conditioning ,Data processing ,
    group velocity fragments
    目   次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 研究背景与意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状    1
    1.3 破片速度衰减规律    3
    2.基于铝箔靶的破片测速系统    5
    2.1 铝箔靶工作原理    5
    2.2 测速系统组成    5
    2.2.1 破片衰减规律测试系统组成    5
    2.2.2战斗部破片群的初速测试系统组成    6
    2.3 信号调理器    6
    2.4 速度信号处理软件编程环境    7
    3.信号调理器箱体结构设计    9
    3.1 信号调理器输入输出连接器选择    9
    3.2 信号调理器通道数和外形尺寸    10
    4. 信号调理器电路的设计    12
    4.1  电路原理图的设计    12
    4.1.1 供电方式选择电路    12
    4.1.2 前级转换电路    13
    4.1.3 脉冲整形电路    13
    4.1.4 反相电路    14
    4.1.4 过滤电路    15
    4.2  PCB板的绘制    16
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