    关键词  分界开关控制器  电量采集模块  ATT7022  ARM
    Title    The design of electric quantity acquisition module based on   ATT7022                                                
    In order to meet the needs of 10kV automation of distribution feeder and feeder protection, 10kV intelligent demarcation switch controller emerge as the times require,which can control the vacuum circuit breaker in line protection. When the power failure line user side,it can break the brake automatically, cut off the fault line and protect the normal power supply of the main network.
    This paper is a module of 10kV intelligent demarcation switch controller -- power acquisition module.This module uses ATT7022 chip as collection chip,which has the function of the voltage signal acquisition from PT and the current from CT.It can calculate the effective value of voltage and current effective value.Using LPC1778 as the main control chip,the real-time data acquisition and processing can be accomplished in a certain precision.. The system is mainly composed of a central control unit and AC acquisition module. The hardware design includes: selection of chip, circuit design etc. The software design includes: driver package, function etc.
    After the test,the power acquisition module the paper studies can read the AC signal accurately,and make the switch simply through the main control chip,such as judging the flow fault or grounding fault and giving the switch signal.
    Keywords  Boundary switch controller  Power acquisition module ATT7022 ARM
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题研究背景及研究意义    1
    1.2  国内研究现状    2
    1.3  本文主要工作    2
    2  系统总体设计    4
    2.1  系统需求分析    4
    2.2  系统总体设计    4
    2.3  本章小结    7
    3  系统硬件设计    8
    3.1  硬件开发环境介绍    8
    3.2  电源模块设计    8
    3.3  核心控制模块设计    10
    3.4  交流采样模块设计    13
    3.5  控制模块设计    17
    4  系统软件设计    19
    4.1  软件开发环境介绍    19
    4.2  主程序设计    19
    4.3  交流数据采集程序设计    20
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